Fish Addict
Love your tank Blackmolly..Really nice
The December FOTM Contest Poll is open!
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The top tank made it into Practical fish keeping ( full page photo ) and was entered into the AGA aquascaping contest 2006.
The bottom is this years.
The tank is only 8 liters and is an high tech nature aquarium set-up.
I love the background on your tank Brette. I sort of skimmed over it the first time because I was too busy drooling over Moody's little beauties3 gallon Eclipse tank.
Thanks Mikster (and I'm glad the frogbit is doing well - it's a lovely little plant). I've often put the odd picture of a tank in one of my threads - but this is the first time I've put all six together. I haven't ventured into the piccy forum very often before. Now I'm here I can see I'll be wasting even more hours ogling other people's tanks I like the jungly look of yours - that's my type of tankps Nice tanks majjie, havent seen them before and thanks again for the frogbit its growing nicely.
Lovely coloured sand!heres one of mine i took a while back its changed a lot now but
It's horses for courses isn't it. I have to say, though, that I like your girlfriend's tank best - it's more colourfulyou guys and your planted tanks! you make me feel like a bad fish keeper
anyway, here's my little 70L (~15Gal) ......
and here's my girlfriends, same size: