Post Your Small Tanks Here

I'm totally gonna laugh when someone submits a 300+ gallon tank :shifty:
I wish my pennywort was still this small!
How sad, my gourami who since passed away is in there! Now I just have three giant guppies!


Im not really sure what they are called but they seem to attract the algea alot more than the ambulia.. It seems to grow very slowly too, its slowly deteriorating and turning yellow (while all other plants are growing well). Either ive planted it wrong or its just the wrong conditions in my tank for this kind of plant (or its not a true aquatic plant). Im pretty new to all of this so this isnt even an educated guess :p

I have some of this plant also now, and it has hairy algae! I don't think it's a true underwater plant. I plan to remove it, it gets squishy. But the guppies do like to play in it.
couple phases of my 20g:



couple differnt 2.5g:


heres my 12.5 GAL tanks and a few other pics t go with ot.
im not entirely happy with it yet as i will be getting some java fern and
rearanging all of the tank. o and by the way the bumble bee gobie on my sig
it was his birthday when i took that haha only messin.




Wow! Gill Your tank is an amazing example of how close an aquarium can come to replicating nature. Awesome!!!
I have a 5 gallon hex tank on my desk here at work.

There it is empty, that was actually the first tank I bought, and when I filled it and got it ready to cycle, just before I left the office I went over to take one more look and found it was leakign all over the desk. Thankfully I found out before I left work for the weekend.

This is the exact same tank, just one with no leaks :D


Here is an upclose look at it

I know my tank is a little lesss neat than everyone elses. No real plants lol. I am not that far along in fishkeeping, i think to be ready for live plants. Compared to everyone elses mine looks rather plain, but I like it :D
Just my opinion Black Molly but I reckon you need to pile those rocks all one one side of your tank at different angles. At the moment they are all flat, the same height and same distance apart. My new personaly fave is Fishkiller_nomores one with the aluminim can. Very original. Do you have another with an old boot or a rusty shopping trolley in it :lol:
Wow... everyone has such nice tanks!
I'm hoping my plants will get here tomorrow, so I'll post pics after I get them all situated in my 10gal :D

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