Post Pics Of Your Beeyooteefull Bettas

Ah lookit Ollie's lips! Teehee.

I was going to get a betta similar to Curly when I got Takuta... but in the end I chose Taku, at the thrill of having a CT.

Such lovely fishies. :drool:
Mis Dib Dabs, sometimes I can get downloads of the pinup pics when I buy frm someone else. I think you bought from bettaman? Maybe he will email you pics.

Thanks for sharing your baybies with us. I would like to see more. Get the fellow sharing Bettas to share a camera. :D

Oh, very pretty boys. :D
Why thank you - Chance says thanks for the compliments - and that he knew all along how beautiful he is :wub:
You all were warned:

Samson, a Half Moon Double Tail and I am told Butterfly:

His Internet Pin-Up

My poor attempts last summer or so


Samson is a Lover and gets pouty and moody when there are no ladies around. He has a sibling girl Delilah, but he's not been bred. He is still less than a year old probably. He almost starved himself once for love sickness when I moved the sorority tank away. I had to move him near it again, or I think he would have died.

And the girls love him and fight over him.
I just realized: he was flirting with the girls in the second pic, not looking at himself in the tank.

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