Prairiesunflower's Betta: Firefly (Bought June 13, 2014)

That's awesome Prairie!
His fins are starting to show their beauty, and I'm so happy for you that he is bringing you so much happiness. :D
Excuse the dirty glass... and I'm surprised the photo came out as well as it did as Firefly was so excited waiting for breakfast and also my light bulb burnt out and I only have the blue one at the moment.
ANYHOW... I'm not sure if it is having the blue light or my imagination... or real... but his tail changed over night and looks "different".  Does anyone else see it?  Does the middle of his tail where the two long bits are suddenly sticking out (I swear there was only one yesterday!)... does it look at bit..."odd"?

Trying to account for the different angles of the shots they look pretty similar to me.
Do you think they are odd? I can see the transparent parts of the healing tail and hopefully those parts will colour up eventually.
The transparent bits are coloring as they grow, they are sort of transparent red that doesn't always show in the pictures.
I can't figure out if it is because those two bits are longer that they make his tail "ruffle" a bit differently as a result... and maybe the blue light shadows it more dramatically (it does look a heck of a lot better in the picture where the flash has lit it up)... but when I look at it with my own eyes... I keep thinking, that the long bit.. the top one of the two bits... looks bunched... then I got to worrying it was stuck together... then I thought clamped but quickly thought that was ridiculous as clearly the entire rest is not clamped.  Maybe I am just worrying too much after all the problems I had with my last betta.
Oh and I should add... both those shots are this morning... maybe I should make a comparison and stick them together.

Right... made another photo... also put an arrow pointing at the bit I keep thinking looks bunched.  I'm now starting to feel I may be paranoid!  LOL

On the plus side... you can see his tail reaches much farther than his dorsal fin (the space after the overlap is much longer)
It's understandable if you are a bit anxious after losing Riley, but I can't see anything to worry about in those pictures.
Try to relax and enjoy him even more than you already are.
I'll try and blame the blue light bulb for my craziness.  LOL
He is extremely active and happy with life.  Since I got him, I've only caught him sleeping one time... I wish I had all the energy he does!
I'm seeing a lot of growth on the fins, so the change may look odd because the fins are growing longer or out!?
Alright.... I was back thinking it was normal.... then this morning I woke up and... well I'm not sure again!  It just looks weirdly bunched and I am trying to tell myself it is because that bit grew faster and nothing is holding it splayed out....
Another picture from this morning....  (again, excuse the glass... I really should clean that... all the muck is on the glass and not Firefly)
It looks like healthy regrowth to me, I think the longer bits look bunched because there is nothing to support them until the tail grows out a bit more, once those gaps fill up it should look fine, just keep his water really clean and try not to worry 
No.  I think I'm right and it looks worse this morning still.  I think it might be something called "sticky fins".  I am going to do a water change and treat him with some bacterial meds later in the day.
I changed my mind, not about what it is, I still believe it is actually sticky fins, but I decided that bacterial meds is too extreme at this point and I've decided to treat it with salt at the moment.
IAL lease help keep a betta healthy so onces his fins start to grow back and you're not worried about whatever this "sticky fins" is you should definetly get a hold of either the leaves themselves or the extract becasue salt isn't the best to keep bettas in. Hope he gets better :)
Even though Riley now has a third tip that is sticky... the first two have improved a little, so that's good.
Also finally got the new light bulb delivered and he seems quite happy to have regular light back rather than the blue bulb, it has perked him up significantly (and I can't say he was exactly not perked up before... so maybe hypered up!  LOL)

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