Possibly Buying Lfs Display Tanks.

Its the pain clinic who burnt the nerves for me. Well, the pain clinics waiting list was too long so they got me into a private hospital, was great at the time.

I'm not sure what this new procedure is called but when I find out I'll let you know. I don't bother with any medication anymore, its all no good, its just pointless asking a doctor for it anymore. have you tried chinese acupuncture? I found that helped a wee bit but was £55 a go.
You poor old boys, im not looking forward to getting OLD ;)

28? Old? Nothing to do with old age. I have a woman who thought she could smash into the back of my old car to blame for mine....."I didn't see you" she said. We were stopped waiting to get onto a roundabout. If she didn't see me then she must have wanted to go straight out onto the roundabout without looking.
I'm 29, i didn't think that was old!!!

Tried acupuncture helped the first time but did nothing after that. I recently tried wet cupping which seemed to help a little
I'm 29, i didn't think that was old!!!

Tried acupuncture helped the first time but did nothing after that. I recently tried wet cupping which seemed to help a little
Ok, so here's the thing. A lfs near me is closing down and whilst I was in there today she said that she would be closing in the next few weeks. My girlfriend was with me whilst we were in looking and she asked what she was doing with the tanks. She was just going to auction them off as she didn't know what to do with them so my girlfriend asked how much she wanted for them.

There are 9 tanks at a size of 3ft each. They are on a freestanding metal rack/shelving.

All come with seperate filters and heaters so there are no holes drilled in them and they all have separate hoods and t5 lighting.

The woman wants £100 for the lot and my girlfriend put a £20 deposit down on them as I refused to buy them. I really do feel like its role reversal at the minute because I'm usually the one wanting more tanks/fish and she was never bothered about fish. She has been very interested in plattys since she seen them breed in a old tank recently. I think she's planning on putting this fish tank set up in the garage or shed, I'm really unsure. All I know is I'm not into the livebearers she has come to love.

My real problem is that I'll be the one to look after them, feed them, clean them, water testing, seperating them if any problems occour. Should I stop being selfish and go and get the tanks tomorrow whilst she's away or do I not get them at all. I know most will probably say yes but I think we have enough tanks now and as I said, I'll be the one to look after everything and I'm really struggling to maintain the ones we have at present due to a back injury I sustained from a car crash two years ago.

Buy them all, sell 2 to me, keep 3 for yourself and put the other 4 on ebay!
Just a quick update. Got them yesterday. All are sitting at my girlfriends uncles place for the time being as I didn't want to bring them home and set them up straight away (which I know I would have done) and not got them in the place I want them. I'm thinking of a new shed. Was thinking loads of different things about where to put them so they're safely set up and I really don't want them in a place where the kids can come in and out as they please, let's face it, they're kids, I know what mine are like. They're ok with the ones in the house because they could get caught or grassed up by one of the others. I'm sure laura would try washing the new baby rabbits in them.

So, they're staying there for a short time. I was on about buying a shed but they all seem to have weak flooring and aren't greatly built. If I make it, I know what I'm doing, using far more safer fixtures and will be able to insulate it properly and build it the size I want.

EDIT: my backs better so I'll be able to do it (provided its ok in the morning too) I shall crack on with it. Timber is costing too much and the girlfriend has said its ok to do it provided I don't damage anymore Porsche's.
OMG!!!! im so jealous of you your so lucky you should try bristlenose pleco for breeding loving the cherry shrimp breeding idea i have just set up my cherry shrimp tank added my first batch last week looking to order a batch of here aswell. you should get some pics up when you can where is this shop you got all this has she got any bit n bobs goin cheap ?? :good:
There's not really much to look at other than the tanks sitting on pallets so far. When I do get set up I will upload pictures of course.

The shops in cookstown so I know its a long way to come for you. She has a few fluval filters, and foods at half price but not a lot other than that as she didn't buy any other stock for over a month. She's closing down today so if you wish I could give you the number but there's not that much other than dogs leads, dog food, bird cages and toys along with the fish bits I mentioned.
None at present. Got timber for the shed but haven't been able to do anything. Our youngest boy slipped and cracked his head in the shower, been in and out of hospital a lot as he's been having a lot of blackouts since. The fish have really taken a back seat until he's sorted. He's fine in himself, started back at school yesterday and only lasted half an hour, went back today and lasted until 12pm. Its progress anyway. Just have to be on hand and cannot leave the the town in case he needs to come hom.

The fish I have are all well and were being looked after by a friend whilst I was staying in the hospital with me.

There really is always something in this house.
I'm the exactly the same so I'm very surprised as this was her idea. That's why I'm thinking it is just a phase and I'll be left to do it all. She was never interested AT ALL in fish before and just thought they were a waste of money. She liked the look of them aesthetically but when it come to buying more/buying plants/cleaning she was not interested.

You'd be surprised what has rubbed off onto her though. I'm the fish addicted girlfriend, and my partner has a male betta I bought him for valentine's day last year. Well Herbie is in one of those terrible vases so I bought a small tank setup to shift him into with filter, heater and light. I figured is my partner didn't want it I wouldn't push it on him, I'd use it for something else. Well low and behold he wants and was even talking about what substrate to put in it :hyper: *pats him on the head*

Highly doubt he's going to want to keep it clean, I'll buy him a little gravel siphon and he can have fun with that lol.

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