Possibly Buying Lfs Display Tanks.

A photo would be cool.
Yeah im defo interested in them, going to have a fish shed lol

Oh and if the tanks are 3 ft they'll defo be big enough to breed kribs and most dwarf chiclids :)
If im honest mate, i dont have the slightest clue about Krib breeding. But would sure be awesome :) Whats your missus planning for them?

She's planning species tanks of livebearers, said she would let me breed apple snail and shrimp and what ever else fish I'm wanting as that's all she wants, oh, she wants neons too.

That's my plan for a gym out the window now, I've been thinking, if she does keep it up then I'll build a second story onto it for the fish and get the gym downstairs as I have trouble with stairs since my back.

We'll see how it goes.
Off to bed, night.
Ohh livebearers :) How about poso orange snails? what are they like to breed?

haha you could still have a gym maybe... how big is it in there :lol:
I know very little about snails, although I like them.

Its 10mX10m. Ideally would like to build another level. Need the gym as I need to build my back up.
If you've a spare 3ft tank or fish going cheap from the lfs closer give me a shout, I'm just starting out so a bigger tank sitting waiting for me and some fish for my 60l tank would be spot on
I would have snapped her hand off and took the lot. Buy them and sell on separate tanks sell on eBay for £30-£50 each then sell the accessories separate. Your lookin at making atleast £500. And that's on a bad day.
Well, sorry for not updating sooner. I've not much to tell really other than the woman phoned on thursday I think and said they are ready to go. I wanted to take her to sell the rest of the fish that were in there as realistically I didn't want them. I took the clown loach and gave them to my girlfriends uncle. So as I said, ready for me to pick up. Her lease on the shop runs out on good friday so I'm probably picking them up on tuesday.

Haven't been able to get them anytime sooner as at the minute my back is playing up again and I'm finding it extremely painful to move about so there's no way I'm going to be able to move them. I say probably tuesday as my friend is off work that day and so is my girlfriend so they said they'd be able to do it.

I'm thinking of where I'm putting them and I'm not altogether happy with where they're going to be when we get them home so I'm thinking of building a new place for them. I'm just wary of starting something and my back getting worse and it being half done. I know if I set them up any other place they're staying there.

I haven't thought of much else to be honest with you, I'm "allowed" the rest after she gets her 4 or 5 tanks sorted and stocking is still not decided for what I want. One things for sure, I won't be stocking until I'm a lot better.
Hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted on how you get along.
I feel for you mate, i suffer from back problems. I damaged my back about 8 years ago some days i can't get out of bed because of the pain most days i walk with a stick. I do hope it gets better soon. Have you tried using a TENS Machine, they're absolutely brilliant, about £20 from lloyds pharmacy well worth the investment
I feel for you mate, i suffer from back problems. I damaged my back about 8 years ago some days i can't get out of bed because of the pain most days i walk with a stick. I do hope it gets better soon. Have you tried using a TENS Machine, they're absolutely brilliant, about £20 from lloyds pharmacy well worth the investment

I've had a TENS machine, they're ok but I find after a wee while they're no good. I really don't know why but I use something a few times and it becomes useless. I had my girlfriend applying half a tube of firery jack at a time to my back and couldn't feel any benefit of it, although I thought it was great the first few times. I've had the nerves burnt in my back about a year ago after finally convincing my old doctor I wasn't out for a quick "buzz" off of co-codamol which are useless anyway. It worked for a short time but again it come back.

I'm looking into surgery at present, its a new technology apparently, opening your back up and inserting a TENS like machine but a lot more powerful.
Do you know what it's called?
i've had surgery they removed some discs a couple of years ago but the same problem is still there.
I know what you mean about some things working and then not after a while, i'm like that with a lot of painkillers and gels

can you get a referral to the 'pain clinic'they're a bit be better than most doctors, at least they give you the time to listen but it takes some doing to get onto there books. it took me over a year and a half
Its the pain clinic who burnt the nerves for me. Well, the pain clinics waiting list was too long so they got me into a private hospital, was great at the time.

I'm not sure what this new procedure is called but when I find out I'll let you know. I don't bother with any medication anymore, its all no good, its just pointless asking a doctor for it anymore. have you tried chinese acupuncture? I found that helped a wee bit but was £55 a go.

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