Popondetta Rainbowfish (pseudomugil Furcatus)


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
Saw them in the lfs last week. Quick google suggests that these might be a possibility for freed-up tank space at some stage; they should be able to cope with the sort of conditions I can offer according to the sites I found- but can anyone add that invaluable personal experience? What are these fish actually like? If you've kept them, did you enjoy them? DId you find them difficult, or sensitive?
IME they are extreamly sensative to water params.
any trace of ammonia or nitrItes they have a habit of dieing.

Twice weekly water changes are highly recomended to keep them sucessfully.
Even with that regime mine only lasted six months.

If you do get them, I wish you much luck.
seen some at my LFS too

nmay purchase some for a species aquarium :)
IME they are extreamly sensative to water params.
any trace of ammonia or nitrItes they have a habit of dieing.

Twice weekly water changes are highly recomended to keep them sucessfully.
Even with that regime mine only lasted six months.

If you do get them, I wish you much luck.

If they only lasted six months with you, they'd probably last about six minutes with me. This sounds like another dream that gets shelved. Oh well, you can't get everything, anyway.
hi, just here to give these rainbows some credit, i had a group of four for about 18months they bred and i eventually became overun. i made quite a healthy profit because they are quite expensive in my lfs. i loved them always active and perfect sitizens. i would reccomend a group of two males and three females.
maybe if you were looking for rainbows that stay rellatively small then try; celebes rainbows or dwarf neons. in both cases keep double the amount of males to males to save constant harrasment. gd luck!!!!!! :D

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