polypterus ID

I have some sterazin and Interpet 12 at the ready after a postive ID on what they are.

Sterazin doesn't actually touch Anchor worms. When I had them on my arowana the importer did alot of research into the matter and had e-mailed Waterlife, they said to use Parazin P to treat which is in tablet form, he used that succesfully and I used Interpet 12 as I couldn't get hold of the other, although No. 12 works faster than Parazin P.

Yep half doses will be used.
I've successfully used Sterazin on 3 occasions to destroy anchor worms. Parazin P must be a new treatment since i've never seen it and it certainly wasnt available at anytime when i've treated for anchorworms, though i havn't had any disease/parasite problems for a couple of years now. (touches wood)
Odd!! I couldn't find parazin P at the time either and still can't, the importer guy got it through his vet in the end I think, it wasn't on any of the suppliers lists at work though....thats if I remeber the name right though!

No more parasites for me either since I wacked the UV on :)
Notice how we all ran for chemicals?Didn't think of it till this morning but in an emergancy a salt bath would help eliminate them too-Anne
I think the treatment i did yesterday helped a bit as there seemed to be a few less but after a quick water change I re dosed with sterazin for Body flukes which is what it deffinately is. The litle one is very skiny at the moment making him very weak but he's lasted a few days now, so hopefully the treatment will kick in soon.

I don't really want to net them up at all to do treatment as i feel any ammount of stress might push them over the edge at the moment, I probable could of got away with doing 1 if i spotted it when they came in.
Just thought I'd throw this in
Parasites particular to Polypterids
While generally hardy fish, bichirs can get many of the normal standard fish
dieases however there are some specific to bichirs and those are the focus
of this post.

Digenetic trematodes ( internal flukes)
Callodistmum diaphaannum- may be found in Polypterus bichir (gall bladder)
The adult form of these flukes can inhabit any part of the body diagnosis of these
worms is usually not possible and treatment is not warranted

Monogenetic trematodes(skin and gill flukes)
Macrogyrodactylus polypter-malmberg
Macrogyrodactylus polypteri- may be found in wildcaught P.senegalus from Gambia
These resemble fine hairs or very fine pieces of thread,they are visible to the naked
eye as symptons include rubbing and rolling its body and thrashing it can be cured
usually by using Jungle labs Parasite guard at 3/4 dose.(this is the most comon
parasite i have seen)

Proteocephalus (tapeworms)
Proteocephalus pentastoma -may be found in P. bichir wildcaught from the Sudan
Proteocephalus sulcatus- may be found in P. endilcheri wildcaught from the sudan
Polyoncobothrium polypteri- may be found in P.bichir wildcaught in Egypt
Camallanus polypteri n. sp-.is described from Polypterus bichir in Lake Tingrela, Burkina Faso.
The adults lie in the intestines of it host as it sheds its eggsthey are pushed down
the intestines and eventually into the water.Most if not all need an intermediate
host .ie.the eggs are eaten by a small crustacean it in turn is eaten by a small
fish which in turn is eaten by a bigger fish.A starving host may expell its tapeworm .

Lernaeidae (parasitic crustaceans)
Lernaea haplocephala - May be found on any wildcaught polypterid
This is a species of anchor worm i'd suggest parasite guard 3/4 dose or
similar treatment
So you can see along with the more common parasites.We have some
species specific ones.Here i cannot help but bring up the importence
the practice of quartine is, especially with bichirs as many are wild
caught .And the risk of contamination is to high.All new specimens really
need to be quartineed for 4 weeks -Anne
Paul MTS has asked me to add that this morning hes notices that the small ones butt hole is very swallon :eek: this morning, hasnt managed to see on the larger one yet.
Anyone got any ideas?? I will be going to see them later so the soon a reply with any input soon we can treat them.
get an internal dewormer odds are its got an internal parasitic infestation but that just my best guess-Anne
unfortunately the lit-lun passed away in the after noon. the bigger one is looking ok though.

the litle ones belly had caved in and the back end was badly swollen.
That's one awful supplier. I wouldn't order from them again. It's too bad too as those bichirs look great. Except for the parasites of course.
It is prett crap really, but seeing as there out best bet for rarer more interesting bits I agreed with my boss that every now and then if something interesting comes up we will make up an order between the 2 shops.

I'll be phoning them tomorrow or get the shop manager to do it as he's more persuasive to try and get replacements sent or just refunds.
My LFS's their suppliers are good at sending healthy fish or at least ones free of parasites. Occasionally they'll ship some that get ich but I think that's the worst things the shop has gotten. On the otherhand, they're pretty slow at ordering certain fish (Butterfly plecs, shellies for me) but that might just be the fault of the guy who orders the fish too. :p
we were just trying this place, we have another one which is reliable but they class something different as another type of tetra!

i regularly order things in for customers, we know have to take large deposits because of some idiot that decided to didn't want a plec he had ordered because it was too expensive and another was too small, even though the prices and sizes had been told. idiots :rolleyes: although the manager got heavy with him and forced him to buy the expensive plec :lol:
Reminds me one time the LFS got a $50 Starlight or something Plec as a "credit fish" for the $50 worth of fish they had lost over the past several months due to delivery stress. So they ended up with the fish but no way to sell it. Eventually it ended up dying from something I heard.
Paul_MTS said:
we were just trying this place, we have another one which is reliable but they class something different as another type of tetra!

i regularly order things in for customers, we know have to take large deposits because of some idiot that decided to didn't want a plec he had ordered because it was too expensive and another was too small, even though the prices and sizes had been told. idiots :rolleyes: although the manager got heavy with him and forced him to buy the expensive plec :lol:
Can you get me a marbled gar please

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