polypterus ID


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
I ordered a couple of this bichirs through a new supplier at work as P. Weeksii, but I think they look more like P. Delhezi.

They have 10 dorsal ray fins.



Oh wow :D Who cares what they are, they're gorgeous. How big do they get then *waits for news that they get to a squillion ft long*
yay :D

will hopefully pull through ok, they quality of the fish form the supplier were alful.

the smaller one has been shedding his slime coat and both just generally floating around, melafix didn't do much fro them but a dose of stress coat seemed to work in seconds improving there activity, both eating aswell.
I'll parrot in with P. delhezis nice markings as for the slimecoat its probably from stress I had a P.lap that did that for a a cpl days or so after I got him home -Anne
Yeh, I had my senegal shed his slime coat a few times as he jumped out whilst being captured, although there really down and look dead when there picking up he came through thankfully.

They were looking better today and neither of them were flaoting at the surface, just sitting on the floor in 1 spot.
diaster, for 2 days now i'ved stupidly missed that they were riddled with anchor worms thinking the stringy bits off them was thier slim coats.

the litle one was in a much worse state today barely moving floating at the top.

I'm now treating with Interpet No.12 Anti Crustean parasite, it worked for me when my arowana had them so hopefully it will work effectively and fast on them before they surcome to the worms.
Are you sure they're anchor worms and not body flukes.

Either way try jungle parasite clear at 1/2 dose.
I'll double check tomorrow, before i start a proper dosage, we only had a old bottle at work you see!

They are wiggling around on the body and there are LOADS of them!

we don't have Jungle treatments over here. I have quick access to Internet, Esha, Waterlife and i think it's Aquaruim doctor(make WSP, BSB, Saail smasher, DDT etc)
Just remember copper based meds and bichirs do not mix well if copperis an ingredient start with 1/2 doses-Anne
Waterlife Sterazin is about the best thing we can get here for anchor worms, flukes and such, just as Beblondie says use it at half dose since its a copper based medication.

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