Pleco Wishlist

Have a read of the Lysistrata. That could give you some ideas... And who says a classical education serves no purpose?


I'm still trying to convince my partner that a fish house would be a great idea, but it seems it takes more than fluttering eyelashes to persuade him!

:lol: Hey, worth a try!
I might also suggest what Lenny Henry once said. " Wait until he's had his wicked way and then suggest it. Men will agree to anything!"
True, but getting a woman to that hazy, glowy state where she'll agree to anything just seems to take a lot more work, if you know what I mean. :sly:


Oh, I don't know. Believe me us women can be just as bad! :lol:
Thats where us women have got it easy. Unfortunately, women aren't so easy to please. And as my partner points out you men can never get it right so there's no point trying!
Awww, Miss Wiggle, I read the thread about you guys down sizing. I just couldn't re-home my plecs. All the other fish, yep they could go if they had to. But not my plecs. I consider them my babies :lol: I need to get a life :lol: :blush:

it was hard to part with Eric the royal plec, i was welling up in the shop when we said bye bye to him :-(

but it was the only tank we could bear to part with, and we only had room for 2 plec/catfish's in the big tank.... and had to choose between Al the albino common who's the first fish Ian bought. Spot the common syno which is the first fish Ian bought me, and Mr Eric. was a really tough call but we'd had Eric in there before and he really didn't do too well, the decor just didn't suit him and he kept tearing his fins up. But the decor was perfect for everyone else so we didn't wanna change it round just to suit him. took a lot of thinking but we agreed it was for the best for Mr Eric to go and hopefully he'd find a home where someone could love and look after him better than we could :-(
Sounds like it was for the best then Miss Wiggle! I'm sure Eric will go to a good home. What a tough decision to make. I would really struggle picking one to go back to the shop. They all have such different personalities.

Good Luck Eric, I'm sure he has gone somewhere he is loved! (That name makes me think of Bananaman!)
Sounds like it was for the best then Miss Wiggle! I'm sure Eric will go to a good home. What a tough decision to make. I would really struggle picking one to go back to the shop. They all have such different personalities.

Good Luck Eric, I'm sure he has gone somewhere he is loved! (That name makes me think of Bananaman!)

ha ha my dad's always kept fish and everyone of the has always been called Eric or Erica so we thought we'd honour him with that name!
Oh sorry! If you get one you can still call him Eddie! :good: There's a very stupid reason behind calling ours Eddie. There was once a character in Eastenders called Eddie Royal! I think he ran The Vic just before Dirty Den and Angie :lol:

God, I've been watching Enders for too long! :blush: :lol:

That's why I chose it too :lol: I was only jesting anyway, as I probably wont get a royal at any point, it's just on my dream "if I won the lottery and could get another tank" list. I think a gibby, a rusty, an albino common and possibly the big 14" common I might have to get from my LFS might be enough pleccies for my 6' x 2' x 2' tank! Now if it'd been 8'.....
well id love to have a zebra plec, but thats not gonna happen.
id also like a clown pleco and a Queen Arabesques, but dont have the space now.

i love my gold nugget plec and my royal. altho i dont see them much at the moment.
Just checked with Wildwoods. The Pseudohemiodon apithanos are £50 each, so a little out of my price bracket! They also have some Planiloricaria cryptodon for £19 a throw. Talk about a nice looking whiptail. Take a look at these Planet Catfish pics. Apparently, this is another burrowing species, that is a bit like a flatfish in the wild -- it goes into the sand with only its eyes peering out!
I know this thread is a few months old, but just stumbled across it - and thought I'd let those who might be interested know that WST in London have both of these in the the moment. Pseudohemiodon apithanos (they've had several batches in consistently over a few months now) are around £25 each and the Planiloricaria cryptodon slightly less. Stunning fish all of them. But I can't offer the right setup for these fish and their needs are quite particular. So neither to suitable to a general community tank. And just don't have the space to set up species tanks for these chaps at the mo. It's nice to window shop though :drool:

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