Pleco Species


Dec 9, 2006
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Cumbria, UK
I was wondering if this topic would be any good for beginners? (me) (well know a bit about them but only have 2)
If there is a pleco you know about well post it up with some details so beginners will know which ones are the best for there aquarium.
Here are a few to start with. © = centigrade


Sailfin pleco (L-83)

Size: 50cm
Tank: 250L+ (Adult)
Distribution: Amazon
Diet: Algae, leftover flakes, algae wafers, cucumber
Water PH: 7.0
Water temperature: 26 C
Price: £6 - £17
Easy fish to care for, great to watch at feeding time. Very clumsey fish (like most plecos) but are a very attractive fish to any aquarium. Great pleco for begginers.


Common pleco (L-021 / L-023)

Size: 60cm
Tank: 250L+ (Adult)
Distribution: South America
Diet: Algae, leftovers, algae wafers, cucumber
Water PH: 7.2
Water temperature: 19-26 C
Price: £8 - £20
One of the most popular and easy to get hold of pleco you can get (hence the name "common pleco") You will find these fish in most fish stockists and are farely cheap too. Get pretty big though!


Royal pleco (L-027)

Size: 50cm
Tank: 250L+ (Adult)
Distribution: Amazon basin
Diet: Algae, leftovers, algae wafers, cucumber
Water PH: 7.0
Water temperature: 25 C
Price: £20 - £75+
These are one of the most beautifull plec ever! But guess what? They break your bank! They are beautifull fish but not the best of fish for the beginer. They are not rare but not every shop can get them in. They are by far my favorate pleco, but if you are after one be prepaired to be skint for a fair few days.


Golden nugget pleco (L-18)

Size: 30cm
Tank: 200L (Adult)
Distribution: Amazon
Diet: Algae, algae wafers, leftovers, cucumber
Water PH: 7.0
Water temperature: 26 C
Price: £20 - £40
This is one of the slower growing plec that look just amazing! There are a few different species of the golden nugget plec which are different sizes so the size given is not 100% accurate. They are pretty fish which should be given a lot of retreats to hide, especially when housed with other pleco of larger sizes. They are also a good choice for a beginner.


Clown pleco (L-104 L-162)

Size: 7cm
Tank: 54L (Adult)
Distribution: South America
Diet: Algae
Water PH: 5.5 - 7.8
Water temperature: 24-28 C
Price: £5 - £10
These are very hardy little fellas which love to hide a lot. They are ideal for the younger fikeeper as well as the more experienced ones.
They are realy cheap as well. They are also very cute!
I just spen an hour and 15 minutes doing that post! I thought it would be usefull for beginners. Just like the pinned one just.............
.............not pinned! Why cant it stay on the forum? What is hotlinking anyway? Jesus I was only tryin to help. Talk about a week from hell and a realy crap few days! Just got home today, sat down on here and tried to help people who are just new to fishkeeping and i cant even do that right!
I just spen an hour and 15 minutes doing that post! I thought it would be usefull for beginners. Just like the pinned one just.............
.............not pinned! Why cant it stay on the forum? What is hotlinking anyway? Jesus I was only tryin to help. Talk about a week from hell and a realy crap few days! Just got home today, sat down on here and tried to help people who are just new to fishkeeping and i cant even do that right!
I don't think it was aimed at you! Shadow posted a few details about certain Plecos and now it's gone so I think he was asking for his own thread to be removed.
Come on then people! What plec have you got/know a bit about?
Cheers, Joemuz

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