Plec Ideas.....


Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2010
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Hey, wondering if anybody can give me a few ideas and advice on some meat eating pleco.

The reason i want meat eaters is my oscars have a habit of eating half a prawn and leaving the other half for me to scoop out

:good: Cheers
L066 king tiger plec is one that i've fancied for a while
My common plec eats prawns, good or not im not sure lol.
The pleco in the link above however looks awesome.
My royal pleco has eaten some bloodworm and brineshrimp


Not sure if he would eat prawn tho...
there are some smashing suggestions coming in :p

what sort of prices will i be looking to pay for these?
Umm- you might want to read this before you decide to house a pleco with and oscar - I cant post the link because it is on another fish forum. However, Google "pleco with oscar" and you might find it.

I hate to post something from another site and not at least credit it with a link, but I really think you should read it and check the pictures before you get a pleco for your oscar.....

posted 2007.08.31
This "drama" is unfolding right now in the Brazilian board. A member's albino oscar tried to eat a pleco companion almost his own size, and now has it completely stuck, with only the tail out. Since the pleco went in head first (which is probably in the stomach now), his spiny body would almost certainly tear the oscar's insides apart if a removal were attempted. The member consulted a local veterinary and was told there's really nothing to do and the oscar will very likely die as well.

I thought people here would also be interested, especially since the member documented it with some photos, so it serves as a very visual response to those who underestimate oscar compatibility issues...


The chances of that happening is slim tho? I mean any sized fish could do that if it wanted not just an oscar?

Im trying to figure out how the oscar managed to get a hold of the plec head on like that,
there cant of been anywhere for the plec to hide? as long as there's somewhere for it to hide i'd imagin everything been okay!
L264 sultan pleco will eat prawns
to be honest any leporacanthicus, hypancistrus or peckolita will eat prawns
aslong as you provide plenty of caves and wood for cover i dont think your oscars will be able to eat them
Oscars will eat most hypancistrus and peckoltias w/o a thought.

This is how The Greater Chicago Cichlid Assn. put it
Oscars are predators and can have a mean streak although they will usually get along great with fish as large as themselves. I mention this under feeding because that's exactly what you will be doing if you put anything smaller than the Oscar as it's roommate. Oscars will and can eat anything.
I had an oscar with a pleco a few years back and they had a couple of stairdowns but the pleco wouldn't back down, they were both very stubborn. They never attacked each other but a few times I thought they would go to blows. I fed them both very well but I judt don't think they liked each other. It really depends on the fish and its personal thoughts. I bet if my pleco was a few inches smaller he probibly would have attacked him. Just make sure that the pleco is about the same size
Had a chat with one of the chaps at Maidenhead aquatics, he suggested Pseudacanthicus spinosus.

There is plenty of wood to hide under/behind aswell :)
Stories such as those mentioned, (fish being attacked,eaten) are not unusual with regards to large Oscar's.
This is expected behaivor by large cichlids.
Those who believe otherwise,or suggest it is a case of different personalities among this species are the only exceptions to the norm.
If food is falling to the bottom of the tank and not eaten, then you are feeding too much.
Adding a pleco large enough not to be viewed as food when Oscar reaches adult size, is only increasing the waste in the aquarium through waste created by the pleco.

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