Plec Has Gone Anorexic


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2006
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:crazy: My plecs (L333) seem to be wasting away before my eyes I only bought them yesterday but their stomachs have just sunk and they have no interest in feeding. Help!
Sadly it sounds like internal parasites.
Check to see if there anus is red and inflamed or enlarged.
Check when they go to the toilet to see what it looks like.
What have you been feeding it?
This is what it looks redness just emaciated,funny thing is they did not look this thin yesterday when I bought them.
Make sure theres enough algae in the tank for them to feed on, try feeding them daily with an algae wafer or pleco treat.
You could also see if they will eat cucumber. Mine loves it!!

Make sure theres enough algae in the tank for them to feed on, try feeding them daily with an algae wafer or pleco treat.
You could also see if they will eat cucumber. Mine loves it!!
Wow thats bad.
I would issolate them if you can.
Thats took a while to get that way.
If there not eating something going on.
did you try using plec tablets? is there anything for them to actually eat there? any algae, or anything?

i suggest the tablets. if not get lots of algae online or something and put then in a small container with the algae for them to try.

good luck!
There is lots of algae and I have put a cucumber in early this evening but they have no interest.I also tried brine shrimp earlier today.
May have to ring the shop tomorrow. Have you ever experienced this?
Are you sure they're L333? Are they LDA33? If so, they're baryancistrus, notoriously difficult to acclimatise after shipping - they (and some other sensitive plec species) lose their gut flora due to not feeding for weeks during transit, and then when fed again in their new homes it can take a while for that gut flora to grow back and process their food, and they can effectively starve to death before it does - even if they eat.

I'm afraid to say, when they're that hollow in their bellies, it is highly unlikely they'll recover :(

In future, it's best to only get these kinds of plecs when they've been in the LFS for a few weeks minimum after arriving from the supplier, and are eating well and not underweight (hollow tum, sunken eyes - once they have these it's usually too late). I found out the hard way with my gold nugget, and TBH he wasn't as thin as yours are :(
Are you sure they're L333? Are they LDA33? If so, they're baryancistrus, notoriously difficult to acclimatise after shipping - they (and some other sensitive plec species) lose their gut flora due to not feeding for weeks during transit, and then when fed again in their new homes it can take a while for that gut flora to grow back and process their food, and they can effectively starve to death before it does - even if they eat.

I'm afraid to say, when they're that hollow in their bellies, it is highly unlikely they'll recover

In future, it's best to only get these kinds of plecs when they've been in the LFS for a few weeks minimum after arriving from the supplier, and are eating well and not underweight (hollow tum, sunken eyes - once they have these it's usually too late). I found out the hard way with my gold nugget, and TBH he wasn't as thin as yours are

I agree heard this before.
Is that or internal parasites.
i'm never experienced this. i've had plecs, small ones, before but i've never really had this happen. but i did have apple snails that werent eating and i put lots of the food they like and thye recovered. they looked awful, can't see there stomachs, but very unhealthy.

i just thought maby it didn't find much food.

i'm not really sure what to tell you, good luck.
Thanks for your input. I am really gutted about it they looked so healthy in the shop. I am sure they were not that thin yesterday.

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