Please Help Me Identify Disease


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2011
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hi there

about 2 weeks back i purchased 3 female guppies from PETS AT HOME, they had a real good offer on. Anyway all 3 were bloated and looked pregnant about to burst.Took them home and did all the normal things, and after a couple of days noticed a cotton wool like growth on one of them. I put her in a breeding tank and with in an hour or so was dead. The other 2 i put in seperate breeding tanks, still with in the main tank. Over the next 2-3 days both developed same symptons, fluffy cotton wool growths and both died.The last to die looked as if it had almost burst open as most of its entrails were hanging from its backside. None ever gave birth yet all 3 looked fit to burst.

Have been looking to see what this could be and so far only TB comes close. None of the other finish so far have showed signs. Have done a 50% water change and treated the water with the blue medical solution, forget the name.

Any suggestion would be helpful. I am in doubt this is a Pets at home problem as all 3 were from there

thank you
Did you not take them back to the store? reason being is they should replace them. Only know that coz last Thursday i got two gourami from then and i came down on the Saturday and found it had died so called the shop and took it back it had something wrong with its swim bladder so they replaced her. Just a throught.
Guppies can be quite delicate fish nowadays and sometimes die due to differing water conditions than they're used to.

The cotton wool like growth is fungus, but that is most normally a secondary infection because the fish is already sick or weak in some way.

How big is your tank, how long has it been set up and what other fish are in there? Do you have results of any water tests you've done you could post?

All these things will help us narrow down what's going on :good:
I shouldnt bother going back to the same shop. Chances are the whole female Guppy tank is infected and probably a load of their other tanks.

I'd just learn from it and go somewhere else.
YOu cant 100% say its there fault. I mean chances are it is. but many people buy many fish from P@H without any issues. in my experience there normally quite good.

You should have taken them back though :( could have had replacements.

Is your tank cycled... how big is it? whats in the tank?
hi, thanks for the replies.

The tank is 125lts, contains 4 BN plecs, clown roach a few killi, some suking loaches, 2 cave fish which the biggest i have, about 2.5" and few other that i never see lol. No more than 20 fish in total. Tank water is fine, as had it checked just last week at FS, plus do my own nitrate and Ammonia checks. Tanks been running for 3 years

Pets at home asked me to fetch the bodies in, i told them they had been disposed of, so then told me it was my water to blame. I explained no other fish are ill. Anyway they are giving me a refund but to be honest was £4.00 and will cost me that in petrol.I ll put it down to a learning curve
I can understand that mine was on princerble that i took her back more than thing. I have a pet store that said the same to me but took a water sample into pets at home to be tested and it was fine just a very bad batch from the pet store.

Chin up :)

hi, thanks for the replies.

The tank is 125lts, contains 4 BN plecs, clown roach a few killi, some suking loaches, 2 cave fish which the biggest i have, about 2.5" and few other that i never see lol. No more than 20 fish in total. Tank water is fine, as had it checked just last week at FS, plus do my own nitrate and Ammonia checks. Tanks been running for 3 years

Pets at home asked me to fetch the bodies in, i told them they had been disposed of, so then told me it was my water to blame. I explained no other fish are ill. Anyway they are giving me a refund but to be honest was £4.00 and will cost me that in petrol.I ll put it down to a learning curve
refund to your card details over the phone, job done, no petrol wasted.

PS, the Clown Loaches you have grow too big for your tank, be careful you dont stunt their growth else they will grow deformed.
refund to your card details over the phone, job done, no petrol wasted.

PS, the Clown Loaches you have grow too big for your tank, be careful you dont stunt their growth else they will grow deformed.]#

Only got one clown, he's only about 2" and maybe a year old
Every fish that I have ever bought from P@H has either died or was unnaturally aggressive and had to be returned.
if Every fish that you have ever bought from P@H has either died or aggressive this is Down to you as a inexperienced fish keeper
Just got home and found another guppie, my last female also now has this fluffy thing on its back and doesnt look well. This wasnt fron P@H but i fear they have spread there germs, any ideas what it may be and how to prevent further infections?
well, all the other fish that I have bought from else where have been fine. Ive only had problems with fish from pets at home.

if Every fish that you have ever bought from P@H has either died or aggressive this is Down to you as a inexperienced fish keeper
YOu cant 100% say its there fault. I mean chances are it is. but many people buy many fish from P@H without any issues. in my experience there normally quite good.

You should have taken them back though :( could have had replacements.

Is your tank cycled... how big is it? whats in the tank?

I'm not saying all P@H are bad. Never bought any fish from mine but they always look ok. I'm just saying that this one is (or at least has a problem at the moment). Chances are the infection did come from there.

Ballyclover - try and get some anti fungus medicine asap and see if that helps. Interpret do a good one. But yes, you need to make sure your water isn't a problem. Do you have a water test kit (sorry if you already said and I missed it).

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