Fish Addict
Hey everybody!! I've finally got my dwarf puffer (5 gallon hex) tank set up ^^ now I know it's not advised but I've here's what in there...
3 otos
3 Dwarf puffer...
Yeah I know they are very agressive, but the guy at the LFS gave me 3 for the price of 2... apparently on Wednesday there if you buy 2 you get 1 free... well if I notice agression I've got a 3 gallon tank ready and I'll buy another 5 gallon (if called for)... well here are some pics of the set-up! Sorry couldn't get any close ups of the puffers, they went right into the plants
3 otos
3 Dwarf puffer...
Yeah I know they are very agressive, but the guy at the LFS gave me 3 for the price of 2... apparently on Wednesday there if you buy 2 you get 1 free... well if I notice agression I've got a 3 gallon tank ready and I'll buy another 5 gallon (if called for)... well here are some pics of the set-up! Sorry couldn't get any close ups of the puffers, they went right into the plants