Planted Tank

Thats gorgeous! I want my tank to look like that! I got some more lights, flourite and a Co2 diffuser comin on monday, gonna get all that in and then order some plants. I'll be doing the same kinda "online journal" so there'll be plenty of pics and questions.
so i got my new tubes 2x lifeglo2 2xarcadia freshwater 1xinterpet triton

the tanks looking better and more healthy but i feel its lacking something but i aint sure what any ideas?

heres the tank today.

oh i almost orgot my new stand is nearly done, my gfs dad is building it and hes a perfectionest so its taking a while, but i carnt really tell him to hurry up as doing it for free.
tanks looking great, one tip though take your pics at night with the room lights off. you'll get much clearer pics. dont use a flash either.

what WPG are you up to now? make sure you keep co2 at 30ppm or above, more light = more co2 or algae will take over.
mike5531 said:
i feel its lacking something but i aint sure what any ideas?
A foreground plant, carpeting or otherwise would improve the look. Hiding the thermometer would also look better. I keep mine on the left glass so it's only visible when you want it to be (although I also have a LCD digital one now positioned below the front glass).
Well it very good for a tank in a startup phase, i know you have had tanks before but ran into problems of one sort or another, so i suppose your main objective should be to keep the tank stable, and if you can keep the parameters correct you will be able to do pretty much do anything you want.

What are the tank specs lighting co2 etc and what way are you fertiliseing? Would you consider the EI method (only way to go IMO, but i would say that, but it is the only way to go TBH and will save you a lot of grief in the long run with algae issues etc) thats probably the most important thing i would say is to consider going with EI, once you get that up and running it really gives you huge amounts of control as regards your fertilising.

What sort of plants have you got in there, it might be a bit crowded if you have any fast growers, but other than that its looking very good.
im using seachem flourish at the moment, and there is alot of stem plants in there which i hope to replace over time but im ment to be saving for a deposit for a house so the gf wont let me spend money on anything :(

plants i know the name of are:

cryptocoryne beckettii
echinodorus x barthii
hydrocotyle leucocephala
red tiger lotus
rotala wallichii
im ment to be saving for a deposit for a house so the gf wont let me spend money on anything

ditto, add up the cost of all the stuff to do with hair, makup, shoes etc..

i bet it doubles your expenditure on fish/plants.

ahhh yes but those are lifes essentials aren't they like bread and water. :p we'll never win i'm afraid just invest in some black bags to hide your shopping in. if she's anything like mine as long as you get it in there without her seeing the "set up mess" your home free. as soon as the tanks closed up she'll not even notice the changes!!
Well id suggest you have a look at the EI thread, the raw materials are cheap, probably cost you £20 and will last a very long time, im writeing a more condensed article on it which should be ready in the next few days if you dont fancy going through all of the thread, with over 3 WPG you will need more than Seachem flourish if you want to avoid problems over the longer term.
:cool: :clap: That's a lovely tank. Great job! I can see the improvement over time. Very nice. :)
Looks great, Mike. Your best tank yet.


How do your tigerbarbs get along with the angel?
the tiger barbs dont bother the angels they seem to respect each other plus the tigers just nip each other

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