Planted Tank

latest pic 01.05.05 im so happy wiv this tank now its been a struggle but i think iv got there, hoping to get a biger tank soon so i will start again wiv that one


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mike5531 said:
thanks for the coments but i aint good enuf to put in aga contest
I would agree it won't win but it still interesting to enter just to receive some "expert" feedback.

Your tank looks great to me - I particularly like the rock formation on the left. Nice work.
yer it would be intersting to se what they would say. well iv just ordered some nice indervidual plants so we will see how it looks when they arrive
In the last pic, I see some Tiger Barbs. I didn't see any angels in the last pic, but if you have any in there still, you should probably either get rid of the angels or tiger barbs.
mike5531 said:
can u spot the new plants?
Thats a tough one, Mike. My eyes are not as good as they used to be and my computer monitor does not help :)
the angels have gone they have there own tank now.

the new plants there and quite clear
well i been away for awhile and it all went wrong so i started again so heres a latested pic of the tank.


im going to try harder this time around as i want it to look as good as some of the planted tanks on here ie. hondor, gf255, jimbo, and zig.

i still have a lot learn as i found out last time aroundm so keep on giving ur advise please
thanks mike

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