Planted Journal

thanks llj, do you ever rest your aponogeton? I have read they need resting every year for a month or so?
thanks llj, do you ever rest your aponogeton? I have read they need resting every year for a month or so?

No, that is only certain species. Most of aponogetons out in the market are actually hybrids bred so you wouldn't have to rest them. Mine have only gone through periods of slight die-back and then they grow fast again. I haven't worked with many species, though. The lily does die-back.

Maybe someone has already asked (but I cant see it), but what lighting have you got and how long is your daily photo period?

I'm just starting out with plants and want to do something low tech as well. Would be very pleased if I could get results like yours!
Maybe someone has already asked (but I cant see it), but what lighting have you got and how long is your daily photo period?

I'm just starting out with plants and want to do something low tech as well. Would be very pleased if I could get results like yours!

Thanks for the compliment Zoddyzod, the lights running are 2 T5's (Juwel Highlight). The tank is deep though, after reading lots about lighting just lately, i think if the tank wasn't so tall, i would be running with T8's. The photo period is 8 hours, it started at 5 hours when i first set it up, but now up to 8, and it seems to be managing at the moment. I did have a problem with some BBA, it has cleared with doubling up on the Easycarbo. Hope this helps.

I have also added some darker substrate today, so i'll get some pics up later.
a layer of black small gravel added, i wanted the substrate black when i added the Lompopo sand, however it washed out and contained loads of white sand. I think it looks loads better. I have also sold the Congos as i felt the tank wasn't big enough for them. Th have gone to a friends 5 footer. Anyways, the plant growth is going well.




Plant growth is going very well. Great job!

thanks llj, i'm really chuffed with the black gravel, the colours just now stand out so much. I'm off to the LFS today, so we'll see if they have any new crypts in.
cheers Biulu, yeah, all the Cryptocoryne willisii have sprouted flower buds, however the leaves are starting to melt off :crazy: Will wait and see what happens.
been a couple of weeks, i have changed a couple of things. I have moved the massive bit of bogwood out to make way for more plants. I have replaced it for 2 smaller bits of mopani, the bogwood had a big circumference. I have added a couple of DIY C02 cannisters, well not DIY but the Hagen DIY cannisters, running through a bubble ladder. It all seems to be working well.

it looks bare at the front, i'm going plant shopping this week.




thanks for looking.
It looks good with the mopani wood. I don't think the front looks very bare... I would prefer to fill out the space behind the wood with some larger plants that cover more of your background. What about Heteranthera zosterifolia? I find this plant to have a very different and attractive form and it isn't too demanding.
thats not a bad idea, thanks Biulu. I'm going to LFS tomorrow, they have had there big delivery. I shall have a look for that one.
your tank allllways looks immaculate, it makes me jealous ^^ . I love the shape of it. The new mopani looks really nice aswell, adds some very interesting shapes to the tank :good:

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