Planted Journal

SuperColey1 uses superglue to attach java fern to wood. Depending on the glue used, I think it is safe. There is a thread about it, let me dig around.

Found it.

thanks for that, i wonder whether Moss can be super glued? Tis a great idea!

I might take some of the Java fern of and stick it on.
weekly update.

added some dwarf grass at the front and a couple of moss balls.





thanks for looking.
Looking good. I like the plant choices. One suggestion.

If you separate the grass into individual plantlets and plant, you'll get better coverage. They'll spread better. I didn't say that it would be easy, though. :lol:
thanks llj, i will try my best to do that. I did try really hard to do this originally, but its hard to plant individual strands in a tall tank. Thanks again.
That is what very long planting tweezers are for. :)
i was just thinking, what draws my attention in this tank, because my attention is on this post alot

i think i really like the colors of the log, the rock wall, and the aponogetons
they really draw my attention!!
thanks Flyhawk, really nice comments. I really wish i could get a really decent photo of the tank. I have a decent Samsung camera and it can't take a good pic of the tank on any settings. All of those have been taken on my phone. Also i would advicate anyone with a tank over 120ltrs to get an aponogeton, they are such an easy plant (big, but easy!)

llj, i tried the tweezers and i was just no good with them, i was loosing the strands of grass all the time, when i get time (not having a 2 year old trying to help), i'll have another go at re planting them.
just an update, i have chopped back the aponogeton and added some Congo's.





That looks very good! You didn't really make a dent in that aponogeton, though. Nymphaea is really growing nicely too.

Congo tetras look great in this tank! :good:

thanks llj, the Lily is sprouting another bulb at the bottom, you can just see it forming in the pics. I'm chuffed with it at the moment, though i am stating to get a bit of Staghorn on the Anubias. I have upped the dose of Easycarbo and changed the circulation of the powerhead.

any other ideas?
Perhaps let the aponogeton grow more so it can shade the anubias. For now, though, just wait and see if the easycarbo and the circulation change does the trick.

I have been out and bought a hydor koralia to see it that'll give me more circulation.
a few more pics...I got rid of my Anubias, and i have replaced it with Hygrophilia and some more Crypts. The Lily has split into 2 so i now have 2 lily's. The dwarf grass is spreading well. The Aponogeton has flowered. Sorry about the quality.






Aponogeton flower
My aponogeton flowers all the time too. I even got a few little plants out of it.

I will miss the anubias, but they don't always work for everyone.

It looks good. Filling out more with every update.


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