Planted Journal


plant your tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Lincoln uk
wanted to start one of these for a while, but just haven't actually gotten the plants how i like them. It low tech.

tank - 190 ltr corner
lighting - 2 x T5's
Substrate - Aquabasis plus and sand
Ferts - Daily Easycarbo and weekly Ferropol
Plants - Anubias varied - Java fern - Vallis varied - Aponogeton ulvaceus - Ludwigia Peruviana - Egeria Densa - Crypts varied
Livestock - 21 Cardinal tetras - 2 Bolivian Rams - 5, 5 banded barbs - Varied Cory's - Varied Shrimp - ADF (lost angel fish in a fight)
Maintainance - 20% water change every 5 days at present.

I wanted to keep a Journal here, so i can see the progress of the plants.







thanks for looking, comments welcome
wow the bolivians are just stunning

how about a big patch of rotala indica or repens?
maybe cabomba to, to add a finer touch to the aquarium
just a suggestion! :)
thanks for the suggestions Flyhawk, went to the LFS today to see what plants they had in. I ended up getting a Lily, i had one before but killed it. This ones more established though. So its in and i'll pop some pics up later.

I also bought 2 halfbeak killifish.
This is a good start. The wood is fantastic.

I look forward to tracking this tank's progress. The rams look great.

thanks, i had a bit of a move around yesterday as the Aponogeton has gotten huge! I have also bought another Aponogeton and place them at the back. They are a great plant, i wish i had found them earlier. The Lily has survived 3 days now as well!
just a quick update, just to show how big the Aponogeton has got in 6 days. Also had a move around at the weekend.

moved aponogeton to the far right as it was taking over the middle.


thanks guys, yes, Truck its a 'Barteri', it as well is sprouting new leaves at least 1 a week at the moment. As for the front, i don't know what to do...i don't know whether to use some kind of carpeting plant?

any suggestions?
you could get some more crypts. maybe C. parva. or possibly dwarf chain sword or dwarf hairgrass.

cheers :good:
still yet to get some carpets plants. Just a quick update, things are going well (i think).



and a quick one of one of my Halfbeaks

still yet to get some carpets plants. Just a quick update, things are going well (i think).



and a quick one of one of my Halfbeaks


This tank is really coming a long. Is that a 3-dimensional background? I'm not familiar with all the tank models in the UK. From the pictures, it looks 3-dimensional. I wonder if you can attach plants to it. Bolbitis and mosses would look amazing on that.

it is a 3D Juwel backgroung, its also a Juwel tank. Do ya know saying that, someone posted tank in a thread the other day with plants on a 3D background and it looked great!

tis in this thread about halfway down. I don't know how i'd go about attatching moss or anything else to it though?

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