Plant cover/dividing tanks


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2005
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Milwaukee, WI
Hey, I know that the large canvas material plants are best for Bettas...limiting rips/tares, and giving cover. Could I go out to the fake plant section in my local Walmart craft section and pick out a few of those for my tank? They are the same thing right? I was thinking of taking that material and making my own for my breeder tank. I don't think my female had enough cover in there to make me feel compfortable enough to leave her alone with him without survalience for long you guys think those plants would work? I don't see why not.

Oh, and I have a 45 gal. How would you guys suggest I heat it...i was thinking a small five gallon heater every couple of divisions....I donno though. I am up for suggestions. Still working on ideas for filtration/heating/how to divide. This is a project.
The problem I see with the craft plants comes in potential toxicity when it comes to the dyes they use. They MAY or MAY NOT be toxic, may or may not fade, etc. They aren't built for aquarium use, so we don't really know how they'll do in an aquarium over a period of time.

Maybe try testing them out. Buy one, and let it sit in water for a long period of time. See if it fades, see if it does anything to the water, see if any part of it rusts, etc.
You really don't need a heater for each section, just use one for the size tank you have. You need to drill holes in the dividers so that the filter has access to all water, so that will also help distribute the heat evenly.

I know people who use the silk plants from the Dollar Store (the el-cheap-o fake plants) ...the biggest problem you will find by using regular fake keeping them from they will not have a weighted base.

There are several sites to buy silk plants at great prices, here is my personal favorite .

They have several brands and tons of styles to choose from at some really good prices, and they have sales from time to time as well. :thumbs:

I'll warn you though, they have so many styles to choose'll have to write the ones you want down to keep track :lol: .
Thanks guys! I am going to test the fake plants out, but will probably end up buying water safe ones. I have 2 45s now. One to grow out my babies (if mine ever do breed successfully), and one ot play with. I love to play!
SRC said:
There are several sites to buy silk plants at great prices, here is my personal favorite .
I love "That Fish Place" too! It is about an hour from my house and is lots of fun to go to. And, I think they are having a Betta Show there the weekend of May 14th and 15th, sponsored by the Philadelphia Area Betta Society. Sucks, because I am going to be out of town that weekend. :-(
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