Fish Fanatic
Hi there I have posted things in the pleco forum but want some information on kribensis. I’m planning on getting a kribensis(or maybe 2) to go with
•a Bristlenose pleco
• 2 panda garras
• 8 long finned leopard danios
And maybe will add some more fish in the future. I’m planning on getting a standard 200l(55 gallon). Would the kribensis be fine with these tank mates and is 2 a possibility and have them as a breeding pair? Would I get money/ store credit for giving the young kribensis?
Thanks for the help, sorry if you are rereading a similar post.
•a Bristlenose pleco
• 2 panda garras
• 8 long finned leopard danios
And maybe will add some more fish in the future. I’m planning on getting a standard 200l(55 gallon). Would the kribensis be fine with these tank mates and is 2 a possibility and have them as a breeding pair? Would I get money/ store credit for giving the young kribensis?
Thanks for the help, sorry if you are rereading a similar post.