Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

Well he actually stays in Camelon which is the next town but still comes under Falkirk council. His address is only 2 miles from my address so it's not far at all. 
Mamashack said:
Oh that's great then! Are you going to get it?
I will ask if I can pick it today that would be great! I don't know how I will lift it up the stairs yet :/ There's a shortage of strong men these days lol.
she's busy on a sat and sunday with the kids and she lives in a different town lol. I have about 5 outside steps to the front door then about 10 lol. 
I am pretty sure I can manage it, 1 woman army ;)
I will be posting from A+E later when i've done my back in 
You can do it Nylah... a breeze compared to the storm you got through.
Thanks Pete! One step at a time, i'll get there :D
Good luck! The start of another project thread maybe? lol
Still no fry!!! I am watching her and she disappears for longer periods of time so I am hoping it's soon. I was way off with my prediction of Friday! Friday came and went! It will definitely be this week sometime. It needs to, that'e been 4 weeks? Guppies in the past have dropped for me every 26-28 days so i'm getting impatient lol!
Wow, it's taking her a while it seems.
I keep checking her and she is definitely square. I hope it's soon! I can't wait for black fry. But knowing my luck they would all be yellow from my other male!
Only got to comment 137 but loving the journal so far. Just a quick one, what are your views/opinions on breeding traps? I reall can afford another tank and i think ive got a pregnant guppy and dont wann lose all her fry ?
PlumbersMerchant said:
Only got to comment 137 but loving the journal so far. Just a quick one, what are your views/opinions on breeding traps? I reall can afford another tank and i think ive got a pregnant guppy and dont wann lose all her fry ?
I used breeding traps all the time. If you don't have the option of another tank then by all means use one, but let the female have the fry then take a turkey baster and suck up the fry then put them into the trap. I used to put the thermometre on the side of the tank then hook the trap onto it in front of the filter stream so the waters constantly moving.
I have found however that the growth rate is very slow. I didn't have many surviving to adulthood. Now that I got my old tank back from my friend, I found that the growth rate is very fast. But of course I couldn't resist the chocolate coloured siamese fighter and he's in that tank now! 
If you are in the UK and have a B&M near you, they sell 19L tanks for £12.99 I think it is. That's perfect to raise them for 2-3 weeks until they are big enough to be put back into the main tank. 
I am saving for a bigger tank. They are expensive but you can pick up 2nd hand ones for much cheapness-people who move and can't take them with them are a prime example. On gumtree there was a 4 footer with oak cabinet going for nothing if someone could uplift that day-I don't have a van or I would have been right there!
Really great read, so much info i never new ! With the Woods, i used bogwood and soaked it in a bucket. I had the shower on it for 5 minutes first, then left to stand in a bucket of hot water for 4 hours then re did the washing soaking. Over maybe 3 days i did this so i thought i had got most of the tanning out. I didnt..... But im glad i didnt, especially with sand it makes neon tetras stand out really well and gives a more realistic look to the tank in my opinion.
Hope this helps
I am glad I didn't too! I love the look of the water with the tannins in it. I think it looks lovely. Your eyes get used to it and you don't realise the colour until you do a water change!
I soaked mines for about an hour lol.

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