Pissed off, sad and need help ASAP

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Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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I went into one of the lps around where I work after I had finished work. I had no intentions of buying a male betta. I went in there to get a female betta. Of course I had to look at the males too.
I walked over to were the males were and there were acouple (maybe like 5) that were just laying on the ground of there tiny little cups. Some of these cups didnt even have lids on them. I precided to pick up the cups and start looking at them.
Well one of them caught my eye. He was just laying on the bottom. The whole time I was there he didnt even come to the top for air. I knew right than and there I had to buy him.
The store manager came up to me and asked if I needed help. I replied "I dont think these bettas should be in such small cups" He said "oh dont worry bettas dont need alot of space, and I can assure you we take very good care of all our animals" I told him the only reason Im buying this betta is because hes dying.... He said "I hope you can nurse it back to health. Let us know how that goes"
He was very poliet but still.
The girl who was working the cash said "bettas dont need alot of space, THEY LIVE IN PUDDLES"!!!! What the F***!
Anyways I have my new guy in a 1 gallon home. Hes just laying on the bottom. I can see hes sometimes trying to swim but he dosent get very far.
My question is - What can I do to help him? I really want to save him but Im not sure what I can do for him. Oh and his water he was in was smelly... I cant even tell if his fins are ok as hes been laying down .... Should I take some of the water out so he dosent have to swim so far to the top? I dont know if that will help though cause in that small cup he was in he couldnt get to the top either... I will post pictures of him soon.
Please help :-(
I'm not an expert, but lowering the water might be a very good idea--I've also heard it suggested that sick bettas be kept in small cups (possibly to give them easy access to the surface and to make it easier to keep the water clean/change it each day.) A small dosage of aquarium salt has also been suggested by forum members for my sick bettas, but they actually got better before I used any, so I don't have first hand knowledge. Anyway, I hope your bettababy gets better soon :)
Make sure he has top water quality, i'd do a 100% water change once every day or 2- the smelly water from the old cup was most likely from ammonia and other waste that had built up in the cup and can be very damaging to all fish. Make sure the tank doesn't have any light shining on it(keeping it dark will help lower stress levels) and try and feed him some bloodworms and cooked de-shelled peas to help give him some energy and get his digestive sytem working well as they probably didn't feed their bettas well at that lfs you got him from. Small regular meals instead of 2 large ones a day are much better for him in this condition, try to feed him 4 times a day.
It may take some while for him to perk up and he will need time to adjust to his much cleaner enviroment; a bit of aquarium salt will help but unless he has any actual obvious deseases, avoid medicating him as this will only weaken his condition.
aww that is sad i would slap judy (my lfs manager) if i ever went into work and found our fish like that! rrrr it makes me so mad... i stole a betta from petsmart once :p hehe ... pssst :whistle: ssh dont tell anyone... she looked so bad in that tiny lil cup so i was so glad that i was wearing my baggy pants... PS no one try this cause i almost got caught!!!! but yea i would put some salt into his water!! maybe even a few more drops off his water dechlorinator! hmm put a air stone in his tank with a check valve so it doesnt make to much bubbles and try to feed him... this is all i can think of! ...
As an opposite to this, one of our LFS is starting to keep their bettas in half gallon beanie boxes! With little plants! Isn’t that fantastic? The bettas there are always so healthy and beautiful, I love doing business with them.
aww yea my store (i made judy do it) keeps them in 1/2 gallon cups and sumtimes (if we have an extra tank) in barracks!
Here is a picture of him laying on the bottom of his tank... Its the best picture I could get... :sad:

Whats wrong with him? Why is he acting like this? :no: He might have a bit on white on his side - maybe fungas starting? But I cant really tell...
I just got him . Hes been here for almost 3 hours... And thanks, he is beautifull ;)
Leave him alone to settle in, he's just stressed from the move and his condition will improve with time, he'll get alot more active during the next couple of days- as i mentioned before, turn off his tank lights and give him some food as stated to help him along :thumbs: .

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