We've got 5 red bellies at the moment in a 50 gal which are about 3 inches long but when they get bigger we're going to move them to a 120gal tank.
I would recommend to get six as they will probably kill the weakest one at some point and that way you are left with 5.
Don't have less than 4 as they are shoaling fish and the less of them the more terrotorial they are and the more likely they are to attack one another, with 3 two of them will gang up on one and then the last two would pretty much fight to the death.
The novelty hasn't worn off for us yet but we've only had them for 6 weeks, i don't think it will as they're quite entertaining, especially at feeding time, and they're colours are nice.
Also i don't entirely agree with the shy and nervous thing. They were very shy to start with and would hide when anyone was in the room or even just with the light on. However over the few weeks we've had them they've got progressivly more confident and now they're not bothered by people close to the tank or even in it!
They don't go for me or the gravel vac but they'll swim right past and are not bothered, i keep a close eye on them though and i'll be more careful when they're bigger.
I've noticed little scuffles with them and small bits of fins missing but other than that nothing major and they have a very good regeneration rate so thats not a problem.
I've heard that you can keep them with big catfish or a shoal of neons but i think that depends on your particular fish.
Overall i think if you've always had a thing for them (like my boyfriend has, they were his idea) then i don't think you'll get bored of them, and to help with the viewing issues if you were to get low wattage lights (if it's not planted) or some moonlight cold cathodes they would be swimming about happily all the time