Pink Angelfish Fin

If you can isolate try tetracycline.
Or maracyn plus. Or maracyn 1 & 2 conbined.

If you use tetracycline it will wipe the beneifical bacteria out in the filter.
Also maracyn products knocks water stats aswell.
If you can isolate try tetracycline.
Or maracyn plus. Or maracyn 1 & 2 conbined.

If you use tetracycline it will wipe the beneifical bacteria out in the filter.
Also maracyn products knocks water stats aswell.

Okay, I think I'm going to try the Maracyn. I'll let you know the outcome!
Good Luck.
Just wanted to let you know it worked!!! I actually did two rounds of the antibiotic going by the directions and didn't think it was doing much. Then in the final days of treatment, it disappeared!! My angel is such a happy fish now, practically jumps out of the tank for food now that she can manuever around without that 'thing' attached to her fin!

I'm keeping an eye on the same place in case it shows up again. At this point, her fin is starting to grow back. :good: Am I right to assume it was bacterial?
Just wanted to let you know it worked!!! I actually did two rounds of the antibiotic going by the directions and didn't think it was doing much. Then in the final days of treatment, it disappeared!! My angel is such a happy fish now, practically jumps out of the tank for food now that she can manuever around without that 'thing' attached to her fin!

I'm keeping an eye on the same place in case it shows up again. At this point, her fin is starting to grow back. :good: Am I right to assume it was bacterial?

Also, should it come back, how soon after the first two doses can I apply again? I did a 1/4 water change after each dose cycle.
Thanks for the update.
How long it is since you used the med now.
Is all the med out of the tank with water changes and black carbon.

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