Pineconing due to old age


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2021
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As my betta has gotten older, his scales have been more and more raised. The tank is filtered, heated, and cycled. He's around 3-4 years old now, gradually becoming more lethargic, having less appetite, and losing color in his scales. It's gotten to the point where I can look at him from the sides and I can see his scales lifted from his body. I don't know if it's dropsy or just pineconing or if they're the same thing.

Photo I got today:


I'm kind of stuck on what to do. Just let him live the rest of his life out or what?
Even with him being an older betta I would still try to treat and take care of the pineconing. To me, this does look like it could be caused by dropsy rather than old age. I am not an expert though. Dropsy is very hard to treat, but I definitely would treat him. Treating this could help extend his life span by a few months or even a year.
It is dropsy, which in turn is a symptom of kidney failure, in most cases. There can be a lot of reasons for it - he isn't that old but if he has had an underlying condition dropsy is often a sign the end is near. Sorry.

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