

Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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At a fish shop me and my dad saw some small pike for sale and wonderd if you could keep them in a tank.

We have a 115gallon tank we would be able to house one in ?

What do you think?

I fit got to big we could always release it into the wild.
sorry do you mean Pike as in a freshwater pike that can get to 5 feet in length ? if so then no you should not get one for an aquarium they will need a substantial pond to thrive/live in.

releasing it in the wild when it got too big would be a death sentence for it, as it would no thave the required hunting skills it would need too survive.
i doubt he is reffering to essox. i think the "pike" you are referring to would be crenicichla a.k.a. pike cichlids. if that is what it is than you should find out what kind it is. but you should not have any problems fitting any type of creni in a 115g.
i doubt he is reffering to essox. i think the "pike" you are referring to would be crenicichla a.k.a. pike cichlids. if that is what it is than you should find out what kind it is. but you should not have any problems fitting any type of creni in a 115g.
well its in coldwater fish area, so maybe it is a Esox lucius he is talking about. i hope not though....
there are some places where you can get esox species however I agree that you should not release it as stated it would have the instincts but it wouldn't do very well on its own.
What species is that pike? There's few smaller species that's rarely get up to 15inch long. Called redfin or grass pickerel. Hopefully this small pike turn out to be pickerel or another pike-like fish.
What fish ARE aquarium fish?! None :) i think they'd do fine in a tank, provided its atleast 10'x8' ish.
What fish ARE aquarium fish?! None :) i think they'd do fine in a tank, provided its atleast 10'x8' ish.
i suppose your right, its a pity 99.99999% of people don't have a tank that size laying around :rolleyes:
I really strongly against getting this pike for your tank as they are too big and required to use chiller to lower the water temp. So don't get this pike. However if you were in U.S, just check out www.aquaculturestore.com as they sell smaller species of pickerel that's suited to your tank.

Again, DO NOT GET this pike as you have to pay lots of live foods for it. Goldfish and baitfish are not healthiest food as they carried lots of diseases and they are not cheap either. Pike cannot live off on feeder guppies and red rosies as they are too small as meal. Next time, thinking ahead before buy it.

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