Pigmy Corys


Sometimes Right, Sometimes Wrong but ALWAYS certai
Dec 1, 2006
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Thinking of getting a group of Pigmy Corys to reside in my 28lt 'fry tank'

Does anyone have a decent photo of pigmy corys? My lfs said they would get me some but not sure when so haven't even seen one yet!
There are 3 different types of pygmy corys. C. pygmaeus, C. hastatus, C. habrosus. Most pygmy corys are mid-level swimmers. I have C. pygmaeus they are very active and are all over the tank. As with all corys they should be kept in groups of 6. Havnt had a chance to get pics since ive only had them a little while
I've got P. Habrosus, P. Pygmaeus and some Aspidoras pauciradiatus (these were being sold as cory pygmaeus).

I think out of all the dwarf catfish I've seen so far I prefer the aspidoras

These are the Habrosus just after I first bought them, floating in a plastic bag in the tank
Thinking of getting a group of Pigmy Corys to reside in my 28lt 'fry tank'

Does anyone have a decent photo of pigmy corys? My lfs said they would get me some but not sure when so haven't even seen one yet!

This is a group of Corydoras pygmaeus.

Picture courtesy Corydorasworld.com

the picture from coryman isnt true pygmy cories.
Amerce pictures are accurate
not the best pictures, but one of my C.harbrosus

and one of my true pygmy cories.
pygmy cories is used to describe all the dwarf cories usally, the picture posted from coryman isnt whats known as Corydoras pygmaeus. its a different species of dwarf cory. C.hastatus i belive.
pygmy cories is used to describe all the dwarf cories usally, the picture posted from coryman isnt whats known as Corydoras pygmaeus. its a different species of dwarf cory. C.hastatus i belive.
Correcting Ian on Cory species? Interesting idea. :hyper: Not a move I would make without a second thought. :shifty:

Coradoras pygmaeus here

Coradoras hastatus here

Coradoras habrosus here
Correcting Ian on Cory species? Interesting idea. :hyper: Not a move I would make without a second thought. :shifty:

Coradoras pygmaeus here

Coradoras hastatus here

Coradoras habrosus here

Especially when Ian is right. Thats definately a group of C. pygmaeus :good:

Its very easy to tell the difference. C. pygmaeus has a black stripe down the body and C. hastatus does not :good:

I think you have been relying on to many fish store labels.

There are at least 10 so-called dwarf Corydoras species and a couple of Aspidoras that would also fall into this category.

C. hastatus

Picture courtesy Corydorasworld.com

C. habrosus

Picture courtesy Corydorasworld.com

C. pygmaeus

Picture courtesy Corydorasworld.com

C. cochui (Possibly the smallest of all Cory species)

Picture courtesy Corydorasworld.com

Aspidoras pauciradiatus (This fish is not a Corydoras, although it was originally classified as one and may very well be reverted back once science sorts it out).

For a full comprehensive illustrated list of all known species you need to see this

My apologies to other members her for the blatant book plug.

i am sorry coryman, to my knowledge, from many sites, fish stores and other fish keepers, the pygmy cory was really Aspidoras pauciradiatus. i wasnt trying to outsmart you or anything, but to be honest, just because you are called coryman, and are suppose to know alot about corys, which you do, i wasnt going to keep quite and not say anything, when what i was saying, i thought were true, i would never give out false information on purpose, i honestly thought what i had, Aspidoras pauciradiatus was known as pygmy cories.
again, im sorry for all the confusion i have caused, and i didnt mean to insult anyone, and hey, i learned something new myself.
so if Aspidoras pauciradiatus arent cories, what are they?
No offence taken, 70% fish stores get the naming of pygmaeus, hastatus and habrosus totally wrong. Added to this the fact the SA exporters will send all three plus A. pauciradiatus as C. hastatus just because they are more sort after than the rest. We have the same situation with everything with spots being called C. punctatus, which is a species that has never been introduced commercially into the hobby.

The whole family group is called Corydoradinae and consists of Aspidoras, Brochis, Corydoras and Scleromystax.


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