Pics of my fish

I've always wondered what all you had. The Senegalus is gorgeous, does he have a name?

:lol: No, none of my fish have names. I also have a ornatipinnis (18")and a delhezi (10") which ive yet to catch pictures of but i will get them eventually and update the post again.
A tank with a large surface area is needed for rays, a minimum of a 5x2x2' tank is needed and a large swimming area must be kept open.

Prices start from around £100 ($180) for a good quallity ray and up to £1000+ ($1800) for rarer species.
bunjiweb said:
Dwarf_Dude I wouldnt think you should add ANY more to that 30G with 3 bristlenose' in there...

yeh i was just curious Bunji ;)

the oscars awsome and also that stingray, :thumbs: :drool: :thumbs:
Your ray is beautiful. Tell him he has admirer(s). I would love a ray! Are they particularly hard to keep! I can't get one, I just love to know as much info on as many types of anything! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

A true beauty!
I would love a ray! Are they particularly hard to keep! I can't get one, I just love to know as much info on as many types of anything!

Depends on how you measure difficulty of fish keeping? Rays need perfect water quallity at all times and do not tollerate any changes well, a mature well established tank with stable water parameters is essential, nitrates must also be maintained at below 50 at all times. They can also be difficult and fussy eaters often only taking small live foods at first so they must be slowly weened onto frozen alternatives which are better for them.
They are certainly not a fish for anyone with less than 3 years experience in fish keeping and prefferably some experience in keeping delicate and sensative fish.
jeez, sounds hard

Not really, as long as you keep up with the water changes (prefferably twice a week) and have a bit of experience with keeping wild caught predators they are no more difficult than any other species.
what size tanks do they need?

CFC Posted on Aug 23 2004, 08:52 AM
A tank with a large surface area is needed for rays, a minimum of a 5x2x2' tank is needed and a large swimming area must be kept open.
Spotted shovelnose, Hemisorubim platyrynchos


  • spotty_001.jpg
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CFC thats the on I've been waiting for. Fantastic fish and a very very lucky find! Not a bad photo either. :)

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