Pics of my fish

Senegal bichir making a rare daylight appearance


  • senegal_bichir3.jpg
    22.2 KB · Views: 30
AWSOME!!!!!!!! THAT BICHIR IS AMAZING! :drool: :thumbs:

anyways i just looked at all ur tank stats and i see u have a dwarf girrafe fish with some kirbs and tetras in a 30 gal. do u think i can get one for my 30 gal. or would it be tooo crowded? :dunno:
i see u have a dwarf girrafe fish with some kirbs and tetras in a 30 gal. do u think i can get one for my 30 gal. or would it be tooo crowded?

I doubt very much you will be able to find any Parauchenoglanis macrostoma
(Dwarf giraffe catfish) in Australia, they are a rare fish to find even in England and as far as i know they are also on Australias banned tropical imports list.
awwwwww :X

well, worth a try.

anyway keep those pics coming ;) some tank shots would be good :p
Peckolita brevis (i think?) munching on the bogwood


  • plekolita_brevis.jpg
    17.1 KB · Views: 36
thats a awsom catfish :thumbs:

where do u get them all from?
I collect fish from all over the country either by visiting shops which have been advertised as worthy of visiting or via mail order. I have around 20 shops within a 10 mile radius which i try to visit as frequently as possible and travel further afield at least once a month to check out shops which are 50 miles away or more. I also keep a carefull watch on several online stocklists to see if anything of interest comes in.
Great fish!

The Senegal bichir looks a bit lika a dragon from some chinese legend.
Hoplosternum thoratacum


  • hoplo_3.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 33
Wow, you have some truly amazing fish, CFC. FOTM nom for the bircher from me, he's unbelievable!
Great pics again CFC

Dwarf_Dude I wouldnt think you should add ANY more to that 30G with 3 bristlenose' in there...

Better shot of the stingray


  • new_ray_pic.jpg
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  • big_oscar.jpg
    16.6 KB · Views: 33
I :wub: :wub: :wub: your fish! I've always wondered what all you had. The Senegalus is gorgeous, does he have a name?

Oscar says hello to him. :crazy:

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