Pics of my fish

Wow cfc, I feel like i just went through a large aquarium exibit, lol. Your species are so entertaining, not only in size but in the fact that they're not too commonly seen. If i had those setups i would just stare at them all day. Great shots!
The Pimelodus ornatus are amazing. What neat fish. :wub:

And that Arowana is awesome! Every time I see a pic of one of these guys, I want one more and more. :nod: How big is yours now, CFC?

Thanks for showing us your strange and unusual fishies! :thumbs:

YAY, CFC POSTED PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

theyre awsomeee!i told you ppl would enjoy them.

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

i cant belive you have tetras, lol :lol:

can we have some full tank shots?

EDIT: i think someone should pin this post so everybody can see CFCs preety fishies
And that Arowana is awesome! Every time I see a pic of one of these guys, I want one more and more.  How big is yours now, CFC?

The arowana is around 14-15 inches in length and 4" deep at the shoulder.

Thanks everyone for the nice comments, i will keep trying to get more pics of the rest of the fish and will update this post as i get them.
What fantastic fish you have, they must be so entertaining to watch, I would also love to see a full tank shot............................We're waiting.........................!!! :D
I think we should all club together to get you a nicer camera so that you can get nicer pictures of thse lovely fish

:lol: Yeah, I agree.
You have some fantastic fish CFC, when is the open viewing day at your house for those of us in the UK then eh???!!!! :lol:
Awesome fish there, that shovel nose is really interesting, my LFS dude had a aroana a while back in a display tank and is planning on a big desk tank to have one in, said it drew blood from him before :rofl:

what size tanks are they in?
Nice fish! I wouldnt min dknowing what size tanks you have aswell, must be pretty big to accomodate fish of that size. :flex:
Tank sizes and full lists of fish can be found here , the majority of these pics so far have come from the 205 gallon tank but i will get pictures from the smaller tanks soon, smaller fish are more difficult to photograph with my heap of poo camera :lol:

I managed to get a few more pics this morning while the house was still quiet

One of the largest shovelnose, this one is around 14" long


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the two smaller shovelnoses, they are 10" and 6"


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Pimelodus albofasciatus, or White lined pimelodus with a juvinile severum sneaking in on the act


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Close up of the severum that was trying to get into the last picture, i have 3 of these but the other 2 have paired off and are busy spawning at the back of the tank.


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