Ph Problem


Jun 5, 2006
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Hello Again,

I have been speaking to a friend who set his tank up the same time that I got mine. He has bought some 'Proper PH' solution for his tank. He has put it in and the water has gone really really cloudy. He put the stuff in last night. Noticed that the water had a slightly look and went home lunchtime and the water is really really coudy. The instructions said that the water may go cloudy but he wasnt expecting it to be this bad.

Has anyone got any suggestions, I said that his filter will probaby clear it out in a day or two but now i am not sure.



P.S I am posting for him because he cant get on the internet at work.
i'm a newbie too, but i believe that cloudy water in your case is due to a bacterial bloom common with setting up new tanks, set the filter running and it should eventually clear.

the other thing it could be is dust, dirt and tiny fragments of your gravel/sand substrate, this should also clear in a few days.

carbon filter pads can also help clear tank water quickly, or you could just be patient!
i'm a newbie too, but i believe that cloudy water in your case is due to a bacterial bloom common with setting up new tanks, set the filter running and it should eventually clear.

the other thing it could be is dust, dirt and tiny fragments of your gravel/sand substrate, this should also clear in a few days.

carbon filter pads can also help clear tank water quickly, or you could just be patient!

Hi Ash,

The tank has been running for a little under five weeks the same time as my tank. Athough I didnt add this P.H stuff though. I am not too sure why he did because his readings were exactly the same as mine.


any change on the cloudy water, from what i have read/been told its a bacterial bloom, the stuff in the pH stuff your mate put in may encourage algae/bacterial growth, i've been told the little packets of pH right (or whatever its called) encourages growth, whereas bottles of aquaone/aquaplus (cant remeber!) encourages it less so. either way it should clearly naturally - hopefully!
any change on the cloudy water, from what i have read/been told its a bacterial bloom, the stuff in the pH stuff your mate put in may encourage algae/bacterial growth, i've been told the little packets of pH right (or whatever its called) encourages growth, whereas bottles of aquaone/aquaplus (cant remeber!) encourages it less so. either way it should clearly naturally - hopefully!

Hi Ash,

Thanks for the reply. He didnt want to wait, he did a complete water change rinsed the substrate and is starting again. It had cleared a little after we changed the normal filter for the Carbon one. Never the less he couldnt wait and has started again. Now he has to cycle all over again, idiot. He even replaced all the filter media so he couldnt get things going quickly with previously harvested media. Never mind it just means that my fish will go in before his. Thanks for looking things up for him though.

How are you getting along?


my tank is fantastic! (not one to blow my own trumpet or anything!) theres been no problems from day one -so far atleast! i know i've made a few mistakes, i.e. putting panda corys and shrimp into a barely established tank, but everyone is doing fine, no deaths as yet, even with 2 crabs in there, the crabs dont even try to eat anything moving
my tank is fantastic! (not one to blow my own trumpet or anything!) theres been no problems from day one -so far atleast! i know i've made a few mistakes, i.e. putting panda corys and shrimp into a barely established tank, but everyone is doing fine, no deaths as yet, even with 2 crabs in there, the crabs dont even try to eat anything moving

Thats brilliant,

Any chance of some pics? :hey:


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