Pfk Article - Fishkeeping Myths That Just Refuse To Die


I don`t count sheep to get to sleep, I count fish
Jul 1, 2010
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Fishkeeping myths that just refuse to die

It`s amazing how many times I actually see some of these myths/answers being given on this forum too :/
I've been barking up this tree for years now. He missed the biggest one, 'Ich is in every tank', in my opinion. Unfortunately, the inertia of bad information is going to keep these around for quite some time, if I had to guess. It takes a very long time before the original wrong information gets rooted out.
I argue alot with a 'mate' who beleives the "fish will only grow to size of tank" one, he buys small tanks and fills em with bottom feeders and that's it.. and i mean fills em!! - doesnt listen though :-(
Yep. It is kinda funny to see people actually say everyone of these things :D. All of this is common sense and if you are passing around knowledge like this you should chose a new hobby because obviously you aren't very good at it :D.

I like your tank Proxo :D. I especially like the battle-ship on the bottom.
Unfortunately, the inertia of bad information is going to keep these around for quite some time, if I had to guess. It takes a very long time before the original wrong information gets rooted out.

It'll be around as long as the hobby is around.

The reason is that idiots breed faster, and there is a continual supply of them to perpetuate these myths. The rate of idiots spreading myths is greater than the rate intelligent people are able to educate them.

.. yes my ivory tower is wonderful, thanks for asking :D

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