ooooh lets see.....
i hate when people take care of my animals when i tell them not to, it just gets me way way way to mad for words
i dont like when you are talking to some one and then you think the conversation is done, you turn the other way and they start talking to you again, and it happens several times. or if you are talking with some one and they cut you off like 5 times becasue you think they are done talking and they are actually not, so then you say like 2 words and they they just keep on talking
(no offense to anyone) but it really bothers me when people post on the livebearer forum with question like: when is my [livebearer] going to give birth? .... um when she is 'squared off'.... if you dont know these things, you shouldnt have livebearers
. or when people CONSTANTLY post about their fish (livebearer) having batches of fry, yes it is exciting, but it is old news to everyone else, and they are not there in person to enjoy the happiness.
and my #1 pet peeve is when people are like "oh i love my [animal]" and how they love to take care of it, and then you see the animal and it is
barely taken care of. or when people get pets on whims, that is when i start
STRONGLY disliking people
also, when i got to the petstore and the employees no nothing and the animals are all dying
am i rambling?
ugh and another thing... high school kids who are sooooooooo immature. i deal with it every day and they just dont grow up, dont they?
well thats all i can think of for now