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I am not rude.
But why must one be so childish on the topic? its quite obvious that you only reply to try and spite.
As iv mentioned, i would NOT keep a severum in that sized tank personally, and would not keep an oscar in a 4x2. And would most deffinalt not keep the fish which you have all crammed into an inadequatly sized tank.
Yes you are, and you prove it in every single reply.

I reply to correct information that is...lets say a litle off IMO.

So you wouldn't personally but you'll still tell people "it will be fine"!

I won't cover the same ground again but you must be the only person on the forum that things a 100 gallon (imperial) tank is too small for 1 oscar.

lol, thats so pathetic trying to turn this on my fish. Looking over my profile it's completely wrong at the moment, I might update it to shut you up.
If its not overstocked,,, why are you so defensive over it?
Its not pothetic, its true...
So true
I'm not being defensive, I'm laughing in your face at the suggestion my tanks are over stocked.

Feel free to browse my profile which is now updated. Feel free to use google on the latin names you dont know....

Have a search on my piccies to, to see how much space they have.
I dont understand why people are saying that a severum would not work in this tank. An oscar or a GT would be to big combined with the fact they they both have the potential to get over 10" and both are very messy and need room to swim.

I have kept oscars,GT's, JD's, and severums. and IMO you have to take the personality of the fish into consideration, of the four i just listed the severum IMO is less active and would do ok in that sized tank just dont over crowd it.
What a fantasticly empty tank you have :rolleyes:
And what a childish thing to do - making your own knowlede on the forum seem much more vast on the topic than my own, as i know this not to be the case..
rofl! Your the childish one kiddo, you realise your information is slightly off so you attack the persons own tank that gave the correct information.

Funny how you stopped trying to prove your opinion on severums and just moved your full concentration onto trying to insult me.

Although I don't care what you think about my tanks......jealousy is a nasty thing!
Me? jelous? of you??? :rolleyes: I laugh at the concept...

I dont need to prove my point. My information is valid. In practise, a minimum is considered a 40 gallon tank for a single specimen, Just like the way you keep an oscar AND a fahaka puffer in the same 4x2x2 tank..
so jelous? i think not
It's ok, no need to admit it.

That tanks been and gone. Was a succesful tank though. And considering you have no experience with either of the fish in mention then your not one to comment really. Any oscar or puffer keeper would tell you it's all down to the fishes personality.

I'll leave this topic now until some information is needed. Once again you have lost a discussion so you have resorted to personal insults.
If you insist...
So if a fish has a certain element to its personality, it effects the size tank needed??
an oscar is an oscar.
A fahaka is a Fahaka...
As nice as they may be, a bigger tank is required...
Woohoo! ***** fight!

Man, if cichlids is ever this much fun maybe I should look in here more often. The fish might be boring but the attitudes of the keepers is teh hilarious :D
You don't need to tell me all this, it's likely to be this and that i said they would probably be smaller, and honestly if your going to bother to wright the latic name correctly do it right lol -aequidens rivulatus.I have seen a massive green severum, atleast 11', but have never seen a rivulatus this big. Though from what i have read they are supposed to be slightly longer.

So yeh, the golden severum can also potentially reach 12'

Potentially, but rarely does, the severum is a fish growing to about 8" and has a much smaller body mass than the green terror, and I was not telling you, i was informing the person who enquired about the larger cichlids as to not follow instructions from people like you.
The green terror is a large, active and heavily built cichlid which will require more than a taller 41 gallon tank. Severums are less active, more peacful and at a push, you could get one in there, But you could not adequatly house a green terror in that tank which you have. :good: ..
By the way cheesy, ill look up this latiC language you speak of. Sounds interesting.
There you go again.I'm not thick lol.Tell me soemthing i don't know.You diverted my points by picking out a spelling mistake.When obviously yours was not, you actually did not know how to spell it.

You don't need to tell me all this, it's likely to be this and that i said they would probably be smaller, and honestly if your going to bother to wright the latic name correctly do it right lol -aequidens rivulatus.I have seen a massive green severum, atleast 11', but have never seen a rivulatus this big. Though from what i have read they are supposed to be slightly longer.

So yeh, the golden severum can also potentially reach 12'

Potentially, but rarely does, the severum is a fish growing to about 8" and has a much smaller body mass than the green terror, and I was not telling you, i was informing the person who enquired about the larger cichlids as to not follow instructions from people like you.
The green terror is a large, active and heavily built cichlid which will require more than a taller 41 gallon tank. Severums are less active, more peacful and at a push, you could get one in there, But you could not adequatly house a green terror in that tank which you have. :good: ..
By the way cheesy, ill look up this latiC language you speak of. Sounds interesting.

LOL i was waiting for someone to pick up on the "latiC" language. And i agree a GT has the potential to get to big for that tank.
I have 2 GT's one female one male the male is about 9 inches, they were originally in a 55 gallon, My GT for example has a great personality, when i walk in the room he acts like an oscar swimming from one end of the tank to the other, i felt sorry for him in a 55 gallon which really doesnt leave a 9 inch fish much room to move so i upgraded to a 125 gallon. I hear alot of people say that GT are possibly one of the most agressive fish you can get, i must have got a very passive GT as he has only killed a trimac and a gold fish when the female had egg. other then that he has never killed or ate a living fish.

However GTs are slow growing fish compared to some cichlds, I have had my GT for about 5 years, so you could keep him in there for maybe 2 yrs but then i would upgrade ur tank.
Like i said, somewhere, i think :shifty: .Both fish could potentially outgrow that tank.
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