People just don’t get it...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Never touched smokes, drugs, any of the sort. I've had a few drinks when I became of age but that I also avoid that as much as possible (only for special occasions like weddings and such). My father's side of the family has always had a history of angry drunks, a "lineage" he chose to break, and I'm going to follow by his example.
Whenever people say, “Hey, what do you like to do in your spare time?”. I mention playing my drums, shooting, exercising, and.... fishkeeping. “Fishkeeping? Like fish, like fish in a fish tank?”.... “yes...”

They just look at me like I have a disease. I have never met anyone in person that knows a lot about fish or loves fish like I do. They all think I’m so lame cause I “Have little fishes as pets”

I just feel like I’m stupid when I’m around other people, talking about me. :(
Ever notice how many Chinese restaurants have fish tanks, and that you often see them in offices and upscale homes in movies? I’ve been a Feng Shui professional for over 30 years, and aquariums are often recommended for prosperity as well as having a beneficial effect from watching the fish, plants, and motion of the flowing water. Watching the fish easily maneuver around the tank stimulates brain activity in a comforting way, and helps one do the same in daily life.
My Feng Shui Master was asked the question: Can you have too many fish tanks?
His answer was: Only if there’s not enough room to walk around. From 5-7 was good, depending on how big the house is, and how it felt, and 9 could be ideal.
He loved to tell jokes, and one was if you have fish, you have lots of time
on hand.
Another was about saying how happy fish appear to be.
Q: How do you know they’re happy if you’re not a fish?
A: How do you know what I know if you are not me?
You want the fish stay healthy, and maintain the water fresh, too. He advised to quickly remove dead ones, bury them, say a prayer, and visualize them moving on to a higher destination.
Well you must look at like this - we create a safe environment for a eco-system. What I dont understand are snake lizard owners? Yuck
I love my aquarium and my other hobbies are I'm amateur magician I love to play board games and paintball and at 68 people ask me if I'm a little old for paintball so I tell them come out to the field and I will show you how old I am. Never let people put you down for the things you love!
I love my aquarium and my other hobbies are I'm amateur magician I love to play board games and paintball and at 68 people ask me if I'm a little old for paintball so I tell them come out to the field and I will show you how old I am. Never let people put you down for the things you love!
"Never let people put you down for the things you love!"

+1 to that!
I used to enjoy a good cigar once in a while, and later on a pipe. It was always a special occasion thing, maybe two or three times a year. I figured cigars are so disgusting, there's no way I'll do it often enough to get addicted. I was right. ha ha Then I married this beautiful woman with asthma, and that was the end of that. I do miss my pipe occasionally, but overall, good riddance.

I guess I'm lucky with booze. It isn't a big temptation to me. I don't like the way more than one makes me feel, so I never want a second drink. Talk about something I don't get--why would someone enjoy getting drunk? I can act like an idiot with the best of 'em when I'm sober.
I love pipe tobacco! I don't smoke but buy it and have in a wooden box that I open every once in a while as a treat. It brings back beautiful childhood memories, and I can even see the books covering the walls and the big old chair by the fireplace that never worked.
Wonderful-smelling stuff. I agree. It's really interesting how cigars and pipes smell totally different, and cigarettes don't really smell like either, when it's all burning tobacco leaf. Out of the three, I'd much rather be around a pipe. Cigar smoking is kind of like riding a snow mobile: If you're the one doing it it's great, but if you're around someone who's doing it, it's completely obnoxious.
I feel you. My family thinks I’m crazy. I’ve never met anyone into fish like I am.
I have always found that guests to my house are fascinated by my multiple tanks, and have so many questions.
It's rarely come up in conversation outside my house, but when I have mentioned that I keep dish, I always find people to be interested - and confused, because they never realized how much work is involved.
But yes - a lot of family members think I'm nuts. I guess they see the work involved up close, and really don't understand why I bother.
I find fish very relaxing to watch. No idea why i just do.
My Dad was a cat lover but they dont cut it for me. Nearly everybody else in my family had a dog but again,Not for me
So im the oddball who keeps fish, do i care, No.
Also i dont like T.V & dont drink alcohol, So thats where my fish come into it.
We used to smoke back in the days of living at home but soon quit when we bought our first house
Other people are weird who dont like fish but judging by the way some people are acting in the world right now, They are probably better off not having fish
I liked your views. In fact, I keep budgies, Java Sparrows and finches as well however I like fishes the most because they are one of the quietest hobbies involving living organisms. There was a time when I used to breed butterflies as well but then I stopped since it causes too much of stress, while with fish it is the least if regular maintenance is done.

Oh, there is one more point in common. I do not drink or smoke as well. In fact none in our family did, not even my Dad, though he was Marine Chief Engineer of the British Navy. It was he who injected the likeness of fishes in my by bringing in a pair of black mollies and 6 danios to start with, in 1974. The journey has been quite interesting, informative and educational as well.
$40 for a pack of cigs???
Gadzooks, how can anyone afford to smoke over there? Not to mention the related health costs one most certainly encounters later in life...
No idea how they afford it. A lot of smokers also buy heaps of booze and drive big cars. I know plenty of people that spend several hundred dollars a week on beer alone, and it's not fancy imported beer. Then they spend over a hundred a week on a tank of fuel for their car, another couple of hundred on ciggies, and I have no idea how they can afford rent or food.

I was at this little Mexican restaurant the other day, and there was this group of 6-8 people that where around a table at the bar. They were crazy loud and made several rude comments about us being in uniform. (I’m in the Civil Air Patrol) People like that just disgust me. Why can’t you just have like 1 drink and then stop? Or better not don’t even get an alcoholic drink. I just don’t get people... :no:
People are stupid. The average person is stupid, most criminals are stupid, most politicians are stupid, the human race is just a dumb species. There are obviously exceptions and people here are fine, but the vast majority of humans aren't very bright.

The mere fact people drink alcohol and smoke all sorts of stuff, even though they know these things cause cancer and other health issues, just proves how stupid people are.
No idea how they afford it. A lot of smokers also buy heaps of booze and drive big cars. I know plenty of people that spend several hundred dollars a week on beer alone, and it's not fancy imported beer. Then they spend over a hundred a week on a tank of fuel for their car, another couple of hundred on ciggies, and I have no idea how they can afford rent or food.


People are stupid. The average person is stupid, most criminals are stupid, most politicians are stupid, the human race is just a dumb species. There are obviously exceptions and people here are fine, but the vast majority of humans aren't very bright.

The mere fact people drink alcohol and smoke all sorts of stuff, even though they know these things cause cancer and other health issues, just proves how stupid people are.
Ahhhh Colin, I'm so glad to find someone that hates humans more than me :rofl:
No idea how they afford it. A lot of smokers also buy heaps of booze and drive big cars. I know plenty of people that spend several hundred dollars a week on beer alone, and it's not fancy imported beer. Then they spend over a hundred a week on a tank of fuel for their car, another couple of hundred on ciggies, and I have no idea how they can afford rent or food.


People are stupid. The average person is stupid, most criminals are stupid, most politicians are stupid, the human race is just a dumb species. There are obviously exceptions and people here are fine, but the vast majority of humans aren't very bright.

The mere fact people drink alcohol and smoke all sorts of stuff, even though they know these things cause cancer and other health issues, just proves how stupid people are.
"People are stupid."
Beyond measure, many of them....
We have a dog and my wife has a cat. I refuse to claim it. Not a cat person. I sometimes call it the emergency food supply. ( @Colin_T ) Anyway. Mammalian pets cause me stress, because I expect things from them: I kind of expect a cat to catch mice, and I kind of expect a dog to heel and retrieve and do what it's told. I can't stand badly behaved dogs, but teaching them to be otherwise is a lot of work. I love my puppy. But just training him to be someone people want to be around is a ton of work.

We often joke that the fish are the only pets we've ever had that do exactly what they are supposed to do: Swim around and look pretty. There's something very comforting about that.

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