The Earth is doomed, nobody is going to inherit it
Hand it over. I haven't kept fish since 2016. And I started in 1979.
Cigarettes are hideously overpriced here. A pack costs about $40, no idea how many is in a packet, not many. About 95% of the price goes to the government in taxes. It annoys me because the government spends millions on advertising saying smoking is bad for you, but they refuse to outlaw smoking and just take in the billions of dollars in taxes. They are hypocrites going on about stop smoking. Quit smoking coz it's bad for you, but we'll let you buy them from any supermarket, deli or anywhere.
Alcohol is the same thing here. Half the adverts on television now are alcohol adds. They aren't allowed to directly mention alcohol in the adds, but the adds being shown are for pubs, bottle shops and places where you can buy booze. And alcohol has massive taxes on it.
The other adverts on tele are for gambling. Come to the casino, come to the TAB (betting agency), gamble online, gamble on your phone with new %^&*$#@. Sorry jumping off track here.
Bugger what other people think. Be yourself, do your own thing, and if anyone hassels you, knock em on the head and feed them to the fishes. PS, that is illegal in most countries but doable if you're careful.