People just don’t get it...

My daughter asked me if i could do her a bit of a loan of £750, Which i didnt have anyway. So anyway i asked her what it was for & she said car insurance deposit........I said hang on a minute lets get this straight.....Car insurance deposit?
She said yes the deposit was £750, Total insurance is £4000 p.a
I thought she meant £4000 was a whole lifetimes car insurance ??
So yes as a parent you try & do the best for your kids but my opinion is this, If you have more than 1 child & you gave....Example, Child 1 £750 then you have treated the other kids unfair because they have not had £750.
So you cant give 1 without the other(s). So its easier to say NO as cruel as it is.
I have always been totally independant otherwise if you depend on others you will never know the true value.
Ive had no help from anybody ever, Me & my wife have worked hard for what we have
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PheonixKingZ thats exactly what i thought.
Cars are moderatly priced here but running costs are another thing. I am surprised people can even afford to drive a car nowadays.
PheonixKingZ thats exactly what i thought.
Cars are moderatly priced here but running costs are another thing. I am surprised people can even afford to drive a car nowadays.
Exactly. My brother is always like, “OO! We could win that Stingray!”; he doesn’t get that it would cost loads of money just to keep up with that car. That’s were car manufacturers get you. They price the car at an OK price, but them swamp you in insurance and runnings costs. :no:
Exactly. My brother is always like, “OO! We could win that Stingray!”; he doesn’t get that it would cost loads of money just to keep up with that car. That’s were car manufacturers get you. They price the car at an OK price, but them swamp you in insurance and runnings costs. :no:
Ah, very smart for someone your age. You got a good head on your shoulders kid.

Not to mention a brand new car is one of the worst investments one can make, because the second you drive it off the lot its value decreases.
Fuel here in the U.K is expensive at £6.50 a Gallon. Insurance for a 17 year old with a tiny engined 1.0l - 1.3l up to around 10 yr old car is between £3000 - £5000, Then road fund licence which is emissions based
So the government are pricing everybody off the road
Fuel here in the U.K is expensive at £6.50 a Gallon. Insurance for a 17 year old with a tiny engined 1.0l - 1.3l up to around 10 yr old car is between £3000 - £5000, Then road fund licence which is emissions based
So the government are pricing everybody off the road
That’s thievery!! The average cost per gallon of gas in the USA is $2.50. ($2.50 = £2.06) ?
We have a dog and my wife has a cat. I refuse to claim it. Not a cat person. I sometimes call it the emergency food supply. ( @Colin_T )
LOL, you know me too well.

I have a new neighbour and she brought a pure white cat with her. I wonder what it will taste like :devil:

Mammalian pets cause me stress, because I expect things from them: I kind of expect a cat to catch mice, and I kind of expect a dog to heel and retrieve and do what it's told. I can't stand badly behaved dogs, but teaching them to be otherwise is a lot of work.
Dogs are easy to train. Mine used to hunter mice, rats, cats birds and most other things that moved. One of them even used to go fishing and would shove her head underwater and pull up jellyfish and other things in the water. She would also chase octopus and squid at the beach in one of the bays we went to. However, they were smart enough to avoid reptiles.
Parenting is a weird job, because the whole point is to equip your kids so they don't need you anymore. They still need your counsel and support, but financially and otherwise, the whole goal is independence.
We had that when we were 8 :)
Mum wasn't the most supportive parent in the world but she did make sure we knew how to look after ourselves when we were kids. We made our own beds by 6, used the vacuum cleaner by 7 and could cook and use the washing machine by the age of 8.

I have to give her points for that because most people I know didn't use a vacuum cleaner until they moved out of home and couldn't cook a piece of toast.
My daughter asked me if i could do her a bit of a loan of £750, Which i didnt have anyway. So anyway i asked her what it was for & she said car insurance deposit........I said hang on a minute lets get this straight.....Car insurance deposit?
She said yes the deposit was £750, Total insurance is £4000 p.a
I thought she meant £4000 was a whole lifetimes car insurance ??
Why is the insurance so expensive?

I can get comprehensive car insurance on a 20yo car for less than a $500, and it's cheaper for a newer car.
No idea Colin_T, We have 2 cars 1 is a 16 yr old Toyota MPV & a new Ford small sports Car combined insurance for myself & wife to drive both is £600 so £300 a piece isnt bad. But they just dont want youngsters on the road here, A few years ago there were lots of scams with body repair companys setting up bash for cash claims with whiplash claims being delt with by internal lawyers set up by the car body repairers, So now we are all paying yet again for the dumb people in society

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