Pencil Drawing


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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i have to give credit where credit is due.this is my interpretation of the cover of marvel team up #7 drawn by scott kolins.

tell me if you like or if you don't,i can take criticism.
Can I just say that I hate you? :p
The reason I gave up drawing many years ago is because I just can not shade ... and yours is done so well you can't even bloody tell it's shaded with everything fading into each other so well. It's marvellous, and I'm in no way jealous.
thanks for the comments and i have to say that' the first time someone telling me they hated me made me for shading i use toilet paper.i used to use my index finger but the oil in a person's skin is
isn't consistent and i would end up with dark spots.any comments or criticism are welcome.

Bit of a late responds, sorry ...
I'll have to give tissue or toilet paper a try one day, as the dark spots were always a problem. That, and the fact that I'd just end up with pencil marks all over the paper as my fingers would be a right mess and I'd inevitably touch the paper.
Thanks for the tip! =)
my preference is toilet paper because most facial tissue have perfumes or lotions in them.
I think the shadowing could actually be improved, the shading also could be better, it looks a little lazy to me if that makes sense
the shadowing and shading are a copy of someone else's artwork,i usally draw portraits and on those the shading is more natural.
Yet this drawing was your interpretation right? so why not improve it rather than just copy it?
good point.this is only the second drawing i've done in 10 years,the other one was a comic book cover as son asked me to draw i said i used to draw portraits and i thought if i was going to start drawing again i wanted to start off simple.i would like to try drawing fish if i can find some pics that catch my eye.i have some good pics of my fish but my printer sucks.when i post one i would like you to be the first person to critique it.
I look forward to see them, although im no expert so tell me to shut it if ya like lol, im just saying what i see wrong but that could just be personal prefrence on how i like to view a picture.

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