The Crypts are starting to bounce back, the last few leaves are still melting however. The bottom leaves of the P.helferi are starting to melt as well, though there is some good new growth.
Mine were shop bought aswell... But originally i was fishing out bits and pieces all the time. Not so bad now though, but have noticed the leaves looking a little rough after their move.
S.repens arrived this morning (Thanks Minnnt) and here we are:
Excuse the floating crap and my face:
Crypts are starting to perk up and so is the Pogostemon, so all is good, just got to wait for it to grow in now.
I added a little E.acicularis just behind the stones in the gap too, not sure if you can see that on the photo.
I'll get a better picture tonight when it's dark and I'm in no rush.
Thanks man, I hate the substrate, it's just turning to powder, absolute rubbish. I accidentally disturbed all of the Crypts, putting them back was an #16#####.