
Nice, my only suggestion with the hardscape would be move it off centre if you want to keep them that close together. If not then I'd spread the a little in a sized order to give depth, maybe have them poking out of your Staurogyne when you get it and the Crypts over hanging them. :)
Thats a saweet tank SBS ! Where did you find it at that price ? Its hard to tell how sloped your substrate is but could I suggest a little less at front and higher at back ? It may just be the pics, but the slope will give more depth. Im sure you know this anyway, lol.
Thanks, It was on ebay for £50 brand new. You are right about the substrate though, it does need thinning out and adding to the back, I'll do this when it comes to planting as it's easier when the tank is nearly empty :)
nice tank SBS, as said about the substrate, but you're on that...those rocks really suit this tank and substrate. Have a go moving the large rock on the left over a tad and the other large rock on the right, giving a pathway though, ensure this meets the 'golden third', then use the little rock as a throw off on the left or right. I will give a lot more depth. In a tank this size i would go for Riccia at the front and maybe some Elocharis acicularis over the main rock at the back.
I shifted the stones as suggested, I think it's missing height really so I need to have a look through the spare rocks I have to see if anything is up to the job:

Great, Ian, now you've got Jack playing with this rocks too! Men! :rolleyes:

For me, this last setup is more visually interesting. I like the rock placement.

Haha, in the Marine world, this would be called a pico. Anything less than 10g.

I've been eyeing the Fluval spec for a while, they make nifty reef tanks for soft corals, though color temp of the lighting is a bit too warm for my taste. Makes a good planted tank too, but this is a more than adequate substitute except that the acrylic puts me off. For a planted tank, though, acrylic is fine. For reef tanks, it'll get scratched up when you have to remove coraline algae.

Nice find.

Thanks all, seriously Llj playing around with rocks is a lot more fun than it sounds! You should know what with you scaping with live rock!

that last one is better IMO, though just try and move it over to the left a little, the top of the rock is quite central. It's always good to play with you rock for a few days before making you decision's.
Here we are, I think I've moved it too far, but it can easily be rectified, the water has gone a little cloudy, I can only presume that this is from disturbing the substrate or the ammonia causing a bacterial bloom.

I hope you don't mind me doing this Jack, but this is what i would do...I am no means the worlds best aquascaper BTW!

the blue is where you're golden rule sits, the green is where i would put the blue coloured 'V'.


people reading this, must recognise that Jack is working with a really small tank, and it's really difficult to scape a tank this size.
No worries Ian, much appreciated thanks, hard scape placement has never been my thing, it's the first time it's been a part of a scape, I'll give it a shot. Back in 5. :)

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