Parrot fish

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ohhh another nasty topic... wonder if there will be one tommorow... maybe another innocent person will join up and u can ridicule and torment them???

will u lot grow the hell up!! im so sick of seeing topics turning bad like this.. yeah fair enough u can express ur opinion.. but why express it over an over again?? u can see one person has already posted it so why do u feel the need u have to post??

is it because u like havin a kick at someone when they are already down?

if it because u think its a freat laugh to ridicule someone?

or do like gettin on ur high an mighty horse????

so sick of all this crap, a good forum gone downhill. :grr:
I posted this link to warn angel that her fish may change as it gets older. I was not having a go at angel and think it is highly commendable that she is prepared to look after the fish no matter what now that she has bought it.
If you read my post you will see that i did exactly the same thing with some coloured barbs some time ago.
All i was trying to do was help as, like you said, fish like these can be hard to find information on.
You are the one having a go and making things personal.
No offence meant to angel at all.
Clare, i wasnt directing anything at you, and i did not mention any names at all, other than Angel.
I was referring to the general tone and attitude of the thread, and i think nightlife has a point - IE kicking ppl when they are down.

Thanks for the post Clare, it was very informative, for me at least.
If YOU knew anything about parrot fish YOU"D know they are not all white. What you have there is a juvinile Blood Parrot Cichlid. As juviniles they are light gray to light brown. Often (unfortunately) the juviniles are dyed as is yours.

As time passes, your "blue" parrot will lose it's dye and develope the natural red coloration of an adult BP (that is if it lives).

I've keep Blood Parrots for 7 years now. The dying process is cruel and inhumane, I would never support it by buying one.
I agree with nightlife (because I think she is right AND I fear her whip :hey: )

Angel now knows about dying, but he is being responsible by giving it a good home. You can't make someone not love their pet.

They do have great personalities Angel :nod:
some might even say they have more personality than bettas...... :whistle:


*gets ready for flaming from the Betta Bunch for the last comment* :p
nightlife20 said:
meh an it starts again.... :/
Then, I suggest you hit the sidelines.

This forum is a great tool to educate. If someone seems unfamiliar with the cruelty of dying fish, people with knowledge on the subject will post their thoughts. This is how we learn from each other.

Although they're hybrid fish, I considered buying a non-dyed blood parrot. After a little research I discovered these fish grow quite large. I decided against the purchase, because I didn't have enough room for one. I don't think 10-20 gallons is enough room either.

That's an attractive fish, it really is, but I prefer the non-dyed blood parrots. :thumbs:
This forum is a great tool to educate. If someone seems unfamiliar with the cruelty of dying fish, people with knowledge on the subject will post their thoughts. This is how we learn from each other.

Bangin -

I agree with what you say, in that the site is here to educate people. But the same view, posted rudely and nastily time and time again is not how i would like to learn, but thats my opinion.
You're telling me when you make a mistake, so obviously on a forum like this, you would be ok with 20 odd ppl kicking you into the next century, over a simple miss-informed purchase....

I have no problem in hitting the sidelines in a topic like this, the strange thing is i agree with your opinions - dyeing is cruel, i just dont like the way people have chosen, yet again, to portray them....

Enjoy the rest of the topic :S
Fawke said:
i just dont like the way people have chosen, yet again, to portray them....
What, exactly, was "rude" and "nasty" about my post?

You have to expect the 'truth', especially in this case, to hurt. This is a very 'nasty' practice, and I can understand why certain fish-lovers will get upset discussing it. I do not condone people being rude and nasty in their attempt to inform others. I don't believe I was rude at all.
Then, I suggest you hit the sidelines

and there u go... -_-

its comments like this, thats what im on about... why do u feel u need to make these sort of comments? :no:

as someone pointed out, bein told over an over again, in an 'i know it all' manner isnt gonna teach ppl anythin... ever thought of phrasing ur last comment to myself differently? :huh:

would you now like me to come down to ur level and start a flame war? :/
"Hit the sidelines" was my lame attempt at humor. It was obvious this thread needed a little. I simply used that remark so that I could post my two cents. It's a shame I didn't get to this thread before people's feelings were hurt. :dunno:
phrases like

'hit the sidelines'
'get back on ur fence'

so on and so forth ( theres loads but i cant be arsed to think about them) are imho not attempts at 'humor'

but if u want ill chorttle at it :lol:

now back to the subject at hand...

i havnt realy had an opinion on these modified fish... i dont think im realy interested in them, imo they look fake with or without their colouring.

but its a case of each to their own... its the same with the kfc topic thats been started.. at the end of the day (its night i know :lol: ) ppl will buy these 'items' weather they know its been dyed/man made or not.. so whats the point in slatin someone for it? is it because u cant get hold of the ppl who made/dyed these monstors in person?

yes i know its cruel, but the world in general is a crule place to be :(
Give me a break. I'm not going to explain myself for a post that wasn't even offensive. I could have been downright rude. Instead, I used my own experience to give an opinion.

Let's try this again. That fish has been dyed. It will lose its color, which will make the entire process pointless, and you may be disappointed with its appearance. As Sorrell pointed out, they grow 8-11 (or so) inches. It will need a much larger tank to thrive.

How's that? :p
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