Parrot fish

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I can for a fact tell you that your fish has been dipped. If your fishes colors dont look INCREDIBLY pale that is. If you do the calculus you will find that a 3 inch fish shaped like a parrot fish has approximatly 24 square inches of surface area when you count the scales the quantity of die needed for that size of fish would be approxamatly 8 times the size of a salmon Egg I'm not sure how big Jelly bean parrot eggs are (thats what kind of fish you have blood parots are natural and found in the wild) but I'm pretty sure there not big enougthto accept a packaadge the size of a dime spun on its axis. And thats just what would be needed to cover the skin if you injected the egg the dye would be present all throught out the animal. With chickens they inject a biodegadable die after the chick has formed so it only covers the outside and that could theoretically be done right before the fish hatched but still the fry would need a VERY thick coat of dye on it Its just Impractically imposible.

Also no one wants you to flush ANY fish or even get rid of this they are all mad because of your "so what if some dont live" attitude.
The one I saw in the store had the coloring of a goldfish, not blue or pink or anything... But they're only naturally white? Bummer. Anyhoo, I think they do have funny little personalities, I played hide and go seek with the one at the store for a good three minutes... I love cichlids...
In case no one brought this up, the dye job wears off in a year or two anyways so you'll end up with a fish that has the regular coloration eventually anyways. One more reason not to buy dyed fish. Even if you don't care how it's done, it's still temporary.
We made a terrible mistake when we first started keeping fish and bought some
` coloured barbs`. We think they were colour fed or dyed, not sure which and all but one are still alive. However, they look more sickly than the other barbs and are smaller. We no try to care for them the best we can and NEVER would we buy anything like this again.
Did you realise that, taking fish totally out of the equation, the people who work at dying these fish work in poor conditions and are exposed to this dye themselves?
In my opinion they shouldn`t be doing it anyway but my point is that it`s not just the fish tjat are exploited, it`s humans too.
There are also claims the dye used is cancerous although I haven't seen any evidence to back this up, or the amount needed to become dangerous. The human side is equally appalling IMO even without that risk. They have to stab and inject 1,000's of fish a day and who knows how many times they jab themselves or what kind of infections or illness may result from it.
Angeleyes, would you like it if i got your dog or cat, shaved it, then dipped it in acid then painted it? i dont think so, thats what you have there, if a fish could yell or talk belive me it would scream in pain.
Fish don't feel pain, at least not in the sense we do. Here is a informative page on that. I still disagree with the dyeing process however as it still isn't right.
Your Blood Parrot seems to be looseing its color and it isnt pretty, look close you can tell it has been painted. Can i ask you to please take down the picture as it really makes me and others feel sick, just look at the poor thing, its hard its slime coat ripped off by acid, then been dipped into paint. Do you know what the death rate on these fish are? they dont live to long the paint eats into them. I brought a pure non dyed Blood parrot and its as strong as a horse, it beats up my oscar and is over 8", i dont mean to be rude but i cant see your one liveing to long, and also they loose there color and look ugly, the paint flakes off them and they just look wrong.
i think dyeing is wrong but i gotta admit that is one awsome looking fish :thumbs:

btw can parrots live in 20 gals? if so im getting one!!! if not,dam, i need a bigger tank
Parrots cannot live in a 20 gal, at least not ones that are actually going to live their full lifespan. They get to be 10-12 inches.

BTW, they have the same great personality without the dye.

Personally I would never go to that shop again except to explain why they will not be recieving your business anymore because you cannot support a store that sells dyed fish.
Sorrell said:
Parrots cannot live in a 20 gal, at least not ones that are actually going to live their full lifespan. They get to be 10-12 inches.

BTW, they have the same great personality without the dye.

Personally I would never go to that shop again except to explain why they will not be recieving your business anymore because you cannot support a store that sells dyed fish.
Well Said Sorrell! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
I fell sorry for you angel, All you wanted to do was show the new fish your parents purchased.

Instead ppl on here have turned it into a slagging match against you.

If people here would only read the thread in the context that a person has posted the thread. Then there would not be this problem.

Blood/JellyBean MnM Parrots - Yes they are made using a painful practice for the end result.

Would it not have been better for someone to have simply, advised Angel on what her fish truly was andf leave it at that. For her to make her own Decision.

NO People on this board are way to vocal and get all Riled up when there is not need to.

If ange is made to remove the Picture of her parrot then I suppose that will also have to go for others on here that Have them in there Sig.

PPl Please stop this Very Abusive Nature that I am Seeing on here Lately.

Can yo Guys not let someone simply enjoy the Fish they Have.

At Work We have a Very Very Very Large tank with about 30 Orange Blood Parrots.

Yes they have Very Funny Personalities. And if someone asks about them. I tell them what they are and they are then able to make there own Decision.

We had some Parrot Gold Sev Hybrids Come in, and they sold within 10 mins of arriving.

I did not stop the person from buyin it. I simply Advised them what it was - Incidently It had also not lost any color and was Fully Grown.
Please find extracts from PFK ( practical fishkeeping magazine ) cichlid letter replies from the expert panel.
` Red Parrots, now available in purple green and blue (possibly as a result of using dye) are not a natural cichlid species but hybrids.....Few shops disclose their true nature because most people don`t want hybrids. They are also deformed and prone to swim bladder disease.......Temperament and size vary, most individuals are scrappy or psychopathic.`

This is neither to condem nor condone, just to warn that many of these fish can completely turn. I am sure many people have got/had them and not had problems but a sudden change in temperament is also a distinct possibility.
I don`t think people meant to be directly offensive but they feel very strongly about this topic.
There are always problems with any fish man interferes with.
Dear o dear, yet another sour thread.....

Yes dyeing is cruel, esablished, i dont agree with it and nor does anybody who love fish, including angel_eyes....

We have established that this was a un-researchable purchase, due to the fact it is a manufactured fish, and they did not know it was a cruely dyed fish.
From what i have read, they thought it could of been dyed when it was an egg, this was not the case as they have now found out, but what can they do about it.

The fact these fish are reaching pet shops, means they will either die there or be bought.
An LFS does not treat every fish in their store like their own pet, so therfore surely what angel_eyes has (accidently) done is commendable? She has bought a fish, that yes has a troubled background, but even knowing now what that fish is, is still prepared to look after it and give it the best possible life......

Its a difficult topic, and one i do not agree with, the fact ppl buy these fish gives the "Dyers" a reason to do it......
But for heavens sake, do not take world fish affairs out on one unfornate buyer... leave the kid alone....

On a second note, i agree with alot of enviromental issues that are raised by the green party, but does that mean the fossil fuels will be abolished?
I bet some of you who keep fishes that the electricity you use to house them are contributing to the polution of rivers and the o-zone layer that effect "wild" fishes....
(just a point, not to be taken literally)

Nice pics angel.....

Give the kid a break
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