Papa's Pond - Rebirth Journal

It has been a couple of weeks since I've been out to visit the pond. As much as I want to get it done fast, my wife's birthday fell between along with Easter. I am also working on a Tanganyikan tank project at home. No pond cleaning or playing in my tanks unless I want to forever sleep on the couch.

I was checking it out on Easter, and it is looking good. The biggest job is the cleaning. I almost have all the leaves out at this time....just in time for the Silver Maples to drop their whirly bird seeds. :S
It looks like the big project will be removing a bunch of dead string algae. I thought it was just muck, but it is actually attached to the rock work and won't vacuum up.
I will try to control that this year by adding some barley to the filter as well as planting more aquatic plants in hopes to out compete the algae for nutrients.
Looks like I will be taking a swim to scrub with a deck brush, and I also have to fix all the rock work that has either fallen or thrown in over time.

A good shot of the Japanese Maple....all the ground work is starting to fill in.

I still have not seen the Koi. It has been almost a month? I hope they are down deep hiding by the planter pots....and have not become dinner for that darn bird.

Have your stock list suggestions ready....just in case.
This looks fun and yes I hope the koi are just hiding! I've always wanted a pond. Dreams dreams dreams......
Oh, great work Steve. That is looking fantastic, you have done your Dad proud
Thanks guys!
It has been fun, and I'm looking forward to making it even better. Not that difficult right now because my Dad really did have it set up amazingly. Right now I'm just restoring his work, and soon I hope to add my own signature to it.

Off subject...I just got a line on a 125 gallon tank that I'm going to be given for free. Not just the tank, but stand, marine lighting, heaters, sump, uv sterilizer...the works. Got lucky and one of my employees just wants to get it out of her garage, and screw her ex-husband. Don't think I would feel good about it without offering some money, but even for a couple hundred bucks it's a great deal.

My MTS is getting worse! :eek: Asian, African, pond, and now someplace for the South American Biotope!
So, DTD I will probably need to seek some of your expertise in a few months.
3 tanks and a pond in 4 wife thinks I have lost it. :p
Thanks guys!
It has been fun, and I'm looking forward to making it even better. Not that difficult right now because my Dad really did have it set up amazingly. Right now I'm just restoring his work, and soon I hope to add my own signature to it.

Off subject...I just got a line on a 125 gallon tank that I'm going to be given for free. Not just the tank, but stand, marine lighting, heaters, sump, uv sterilizer...the works. Got lucky and one of my employees just wants to get it out of her garage, and screw her ex-husband. Don't think I would feel good about it without offering some money, but even for a couple hundred bucks it's a great deal.

My MTS is getting worse! :eek: Asian, African, pond, and now someplace for the South American Biotope!
So, DTD I will probably need to seek some of your expertise in a few months.
3 tanks and a pond in 4 wife thinks I have lost it. :p

Wow! That sounds like a stroke of luck. Will be looking forward to seeing that project too
this is a lovely pond , i like how natural it looks, those lillies are gonna come out very nice would love to make a pond like this one day :)
Anything else? I look forward to seeing the pond later!

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