panic !


Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2005
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major panic this morning in our house ! went to feed my husbands tank and check the fish as always and could'nt find his sunburst platy , not unusual there are quite a few hiding places . Kept looking for another 10-15 mins and still no platy .... getting worried ! i lifted the lid and moved things and there is no platy in the tank ! can they teleport or something ? theres not even any remains or a dead fish just nothing ! we have a lid on our tank so he could'nt of jumped out , it was in the tank with a male dalmation mollie and three diamond guppies . The tank is still cycling and the mollie was the boss but no fin nipping going on at all . What has caused this ? and will my other fish disapear also ? :dunno: ????
Is there a chance he could be inside the filter or any hollow decorations? :dunno:
inside the filter ? i hope not he was one and a half inches big and i have checked all the decorations and he's not there ! could he have been eaten ? or is that silly ?
I wouldnt call him dead yet! Wait another day, or add some food.

My mother calls "Ben, i cant find" Ill go out and but in some food, or wait a few hours, go back and check and hell be there!

If he/she still isnt visable, try around the bottum and edges of the tank. Even though u have lids, they can get through the smallest hole!
have already fed them this morning about two hours ago and still no sign , I'll go and check round the tank now .
nope , just checked round the tank and no fish , double checked in filter and all decorations coz its only a two foot tank and no sign of him . The mollie is picking at the gravel on the bottom of the tank and he does'nt normally does that mean he's in the gravel ? should i moved it around and check for him ?
I spose, u havnt got any other choices really!?! He may have been eaten. Fish can be cannibalistic! :sick: And they prove very effective at corpse removal. :p
oh no ! which fish would have eaten him ? should i seperate the mollie from the guppies ? will they get eaten ? this is horrible ! :byebye:
No, rarely will they turn homicidal, its just when one dies, they tend to eat the remains. Sorry if i scared u for a sec there.

If u cant find him chances are he is gone, but its happened before that fish ave come back. Just wait it out and maybe sleep on it till the morn. Monitor your water params and i hope u find him soon.
inside the filter ? i hope not he was one and a half inches big and i have checked all the decorations and he's not there ! could he have been eaten ? or is that silly ?

Nope, it's not a silly idea at all. If you haven't found him by now, we have to assume the worst. :(

Was the platy acting normally before the dissapearance?
Don't be too hasty at thinking the worst has happened...... my fish are great at hiding for ages! Especially my Clown Loach but unfortuanately he died of a nasty case of whitespot that he couldn't hide from. :rip:
still can't find the little fella so i think he's gone , he was acing normally but i thought his colour had faded slightly so he might have been under stress of some kind i don't know . RIP little buddy x
We will return you fish when the experiment is complete.

j/k, sorry for the loss.
Try poking around the substrate if you have them. I don't think they jump, but still, check the area around the tank. So sorry for your loss.

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