Pandas Confusing And Frustrating Me


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.
I started off with 13 Pandas and they seemed to do fine until one died a few weeks ago after several months (as typical with them). Then another died, and another. Now I've lost two today and have 7-8 remaining. The confusing part is they appear to also be laying eggs, which had I not noticed behind the filter, I was almost ready to give up on being able to keep/breed them. I've been having mysterious deaths in this tank the past year and a half with other cories for no apparent cause as to why (all parameters are fine and no obvious signs of disease). Eggs usually mean they're feeling healthy and secure in their environment, right? So why are some of them dropping dead and others popping eggs?

Now I'm unsure of what to do. The eggs are in a very difficult spot (and here in the reflection) for me to get to them without possibly disturbing them, but assuming they're viable, they'll likely hatch only to get sucked up the intake and die anyways. Plus, I'm not really prepared for fry yet. I have a small fry container I can stick in the tank with the adults but no food and no avaliable spare aquarium for them.

What should I do? Try to save them or let them go and risk the filter intake and other fish until I'm ready?
Hi Teelie!

I don't have a clue but thought I'd say hi, "Hi!"

Inchworm always said pandas are a bit more difficult. I really have not had much trouble with them. I've lost a couple in the beginning trying to get them into a suitable home. Since I set them up in there own tank with some other smallish cories they have been very stable--about 10 months. But I have not seen eggs. They may lay them in the cave I guess. There is no insuforia in the tank or anything to feed any fry that might hatch. I just haven't had the time or inclination to pursue breeding yet with them.

What do you want to do?
Hmmm Im not really sure what panda eggs look like but i dont know if these are they. Do you have any snails or other fish that could have possibly done so?
I have snails and other fish but none capable of laying eggs (snails are trumpets and pond snails that aren't even the size of the eggs) though now it's a moot point. I checked this morning and the clutch is gone. :(
Check Xebadir's thread "The Pands tank." Inchorm posted pands egg pics!

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