Dwarf Ciclids advice

That doesn't sound like a harem, just a small town.
A small town that is anything that is tranquil ;)

At least they leave the dither fish alone; more than i can say for the wc cockatoo.
Gary is right about that open savannah full blast of light thing and also the heat . I’ve had Rams spawn on two occasions in the past and when I replicated those conditions that’s when it happened . You don’t hear that much and I read it somewhere only once but it’s the true story . Mine spawned in a 15 but I think a 20 long would be better and a 40 breeder would be ideal .
Apistogramma are way cooler than german rams imo.
apistogramma a genus; some are interesting; some not (imho). You should talk about a specific species.
Gary is right about that open savannah full blast of light thing and also the heat . I’ve had Rams spawn on two occasions in the past and when I replicated those conditions that’s when it happened . You don’t hear that much and I read it somewhere only once but it’s the true story . Mine spawned in a 15 but I think a 20 long would be better and a 40 breeder would be ideal .
Did you have wc or domestic ?
apistogramma a genus; some are interesting; some not (imho). You should talk about a specific species.
Sure yeah definitely!
Apistogramma macmasteri red shoulder is one of my favorite. Beautiful gold with w tinge of red and small enough for a pair to be in certain 10 gallon tanks.
Apistogramma agassizi flame red - I don't believe they breed true but omg the colors are amazing
Regular macmasteri are kind of plain.
I also think Apistogramma Cacatuoides with the double red are awesome.
For me personally I would rather have two 10s with a pair of apistos each rather than one 20g with rams. I've kept rams before and I found them to be finicky
Sure yeah definitely!
Apistogramma macmasteri red shoulder is one of my favorite. Beautiful gold with w tinge of red and small enough for a pair to be in certain 10 gallon tanks.
Apistogramma agassizi flame red - I don't believe they breed true but omg the colors are amazing
Regular macmasteri are kind of plain.
I also think Apistogramma Cacatuoides with the double red are awesome.
So you are talking about the beauty of the fish and not the behavior. I personally prefer gold rams when it comes to just looks; there are some fantastic looking wild caught borelli but very few are exported these days due to brazil policies.

In terms of behavior I've been very happy with my a. sp bluthekl; though not a colourful fish. I also like the a. sp winkelfleck though behavior wise are kind of boring. wc cockatoo are nice looking but they are vicious monsters not to be kept with dithers in any a short aquarium (like 20 long).

As for a 10; i would not keep any of hte mentioned fishes in a 10 'cept maybe a. borelli though that is really pushing it.
a. sp blutheki male:
So you are talking about the beauty of the fish and not the behavior. I personally prefer gold rams when it comes to just looks; there are some fantastic looking wild caught borelli but very few are exported these days due to brazil policies.

In terms of behavior I've been very happy with my a. sp bluthekl; though not a colourful fish. I also like the a. sp winkelfleck though behavior wise are kind of boring. wc cockatoo are nice looking but they are vicious monsters not to be kept with dithers in any a short aquarium (like 20 long).

As for a 10; i would not keep any of hte mentioned fishes in a 10 'cept maybe a. borelli though that is really pushing it.
a. sp blutheki male:
View attachment 347476
Behavior wise. I like my killifish.
But they are not a dwarf cichlid ;)
No way! All this time I was calling them apistokillis.
Ok my favorite apisto by behavior? I love them all. The way they raise their fry is amazing. Watching the tiny bright yellow momma chase away the giant male is priceless.
No way! All this time I was calling them apistokillis.
Ok my favorite apisto by behavior? I love them all. The way they raise their fry is amazing. Watching the tiny bright yellow momma chase away the giant male is priceless.
There are many dwarf cichilds (such as rams which are in the genus Mikrogeophagus ) which are not in the genus apistogramma.
I’m partial to Laetacara and Dicrossus myself.
Two excellent genus though there are some Latacara i'm not as fond of as others and Dicrossus have their own aggression issues. Mini-tigers ;)

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