Thanks for the compiment Simon, still a mile to go though.
I dont know if its just me or if a lot of people see it like this but I look at a lot of tanks and go "wow!" I wish mine was like that. I think most of us will never truly be satisfied with this hobby
No its my second tank, started of with a rio 125l 5 years ago.
I spent a small fortune on it and when I was forced to sell due to a move I always said never again because I lost so much money on it
I started this new tank up in May last year by the time I got this home I wanted a bigger one, thats still in the 'I want stage' .
hows the dragon wrasse getting on?
mine was perfect for over 8 months, then all of a sudden just died. tested water and everything was ok. not lost any other fish, only the wrasse.
i suspect he wasnt eating properly, even though he appeared to be eating all the time.
The wrasse is great and very sociable. However he is sold A friend is taking him off my hands later this week. The missus wants some sexy shrimps and the last time I bought any he ate them
It is a lovely fish as a juvenile with great characteristics, shame to get rid really.
Taken out the external filter this week and no adverse effects as yet. Tidied up the rockwork along the left side so the glass is clear. Planning on painting the back next week
Will add a few more pics later and maybe a vid
Been taking a few piccies and picked a couple out of fish as I seem to put up mostly corals.