Curiosity killed the researcher: How come you are building the tank, THEN drilling it? Were it my tank I'd drill first, just in case I screwed something up, I wouldn't have wasted all that time sealing/etc.
Then again, you ahve more glasswork experience than I
I might need to send the other half to a diy shop after work Thurs or Frid, Thanks Big C.
i am going to my mum’s to pick up some stuff and was thinking of calling into diy centre to have a look for some of this stuff, it looks a lot neater than my weir comb
Best looking around a DIY centre now and again to see what can be turned into something useful with a view to saving yourself a few pounds. Especially seeing as the marine side of the hobby can eat a great hole in your purse or wallet.yeah i got a deltec one, was like 13 quid for 2' or so.
Well I think you may be in luck, My off cut comb is exactly 1" and you are more than welcome to it. I'll mitre it for you (providing your weir box is a 90' affair) so all you'll have to do is cut the straight end to length.Truly grateful, mine actually does not need to be very tall at all, 1" would completely block the gap and may need cutting down. It is very difficult in the sticks to get anything you want, next nearest place is an hour drive. Sometimes I really do wonder why we moved out here.
To Tina and John
If you guys are having trouble finding such ventilation grille then let me know. it comes in a long length, Let me know your size of weir box and I can probably send you some or if I haven't got enough then I suppose you could split the price of purchasing a length, you dont really need a lot for that little job but as I say you have to purchase a full length, I just forget the price, but I can find out.
Let me know if your interested and having trouble locating the item